Topic based search engine


Registered User

Its still in beta, but nice idea. One of my dislikes of the google search engine (even tho its my home page) is the content in the returns.

From the site itself..

Our focus is upon computational linguistics, data mining, data warehousing and artificial intelligence. These competencies are demonstrated on Factbites, a search engine more interested in content analysis than link popularity.
Just gave it a whirl there... I think its prett good & the search resluts are pretty well laid out alright.
What does this mean?
The summary in the contents of a page return in google, either isnt always whats on the page when you click on it, or else the summary is so vague as to be not helpful.
Probably best if I posted an example of what Im talking about.

I hit examples almost daily, I'll post the next one.
Don'y know about [broken link removed] - I just searched for "askaboutmoney" and I got "Topic Not Found" and above that I got an "Ads by Google" promoting Irish Castle Vacations

A lot done more to do ? or am I being unfair ?
I tried a few searches and didn't really find it as useful as Google to be honest. Where Google displays out of date content then they often have a cached version of the page/site.
I like it Car - very good site! Puts the search in context. Will be useful in conjunction with Google!
As an example, see for bertie ahern and then [broken link removed] to see a clear difference in the way the returns are displayed.
some people may get more use out of then others.