Top ups take longer than new mortgage


Registered User
Can I rant, I applied for a top up to our mortgage in June and it still hasn't come through even though it was approved in July!!! Every bloomin week they require something different and if they already have it they require it again and We are dealing through a broker and betweeen him, our solicitor and the frickin bank we are dealing with, I am having a nervous breakdown. All we want if €35,000 more on our previous mortgage but now myself and my husband have to move home with mum as we can't afford the rent anymore. I wouldn't mind but they are only giving us €15,000 now (if we ever get the cheque) and won't give us the rest til we are living in the house but to make the house liveable we need €35,000. We didn't ask for the money for the craic of it!
Is this the norm, regarding issues with top ups. Any advice on what to say becuase currently I am waiting on another phone call back from my broker about an engineers stage payment which they bloomin got already. I can't wait until we draw down our full mortgage because I am out of that bank as soon as possible. Soooo angry. Will we ever be in?
"Is this the norm,?"

Unfortunately, yes. My advice - take (yet another) really deep breath and just plough on. The Banks have completely pulled back - end of story. Accept that and be glad to get any money. Do what you can with what you have. Borrow from a friend or family if needs be.
Getting angry will not get you anywhere.

I agree with mf1,

Waiting over 8 weeks now for an approved €35k stage payment. Bank has lost several documents several times!

Nothing you can do but grin and bear it, and follow-up every day!
I know, it is just head wrecking, the old famous 'be in for christmas' line is as always a load of cobblers. I need my plumbing done!!!!
Thanks Towger, it all has become transparent!!!
I mean 6 months for a top up, our mortgage took 5!! If it was approved in July, what the heic are they waiting for, they are going to have to ( I use that term loosely), give it to us anyway, so what does it matter if they gave it to us in September say than giving it to us in December? Still the same money which they are getting huge interest for?
financial regulator/over paid civil servant failing to do job he is paid to do which sitting in his office with his ivory back scratcher waiting for his generous state pension to kick in!
If you want a topup with a, in my case, PTSB tracker mortgage, would they say that was breaking the terms of the original mortgage and you would end up with a standard variable?
You would keep your tracker for your exsisting debt.
BUT the new amount of debt you want to take on would be under different terms and conditions......variable or fixed i guess.