Top Tips for your 30s

In my 30s but my advice would be that decisions are made without the benefit of hindsight so don't beat yourself up when you do have that benefit. People have an amazing inability to eliminate new information in judging old decisions.
In my early 40s, and my advice would be, if you have no children as yet:

1) Drink as much as you can, go out as much and travel as much as you can. When the little 'uns arrive your life is all about them. A night out for a few pints becomes a rarity, unless you have a very understanding partner.

2) If you are sporty, play and do as much as you can now, cos your joints and bones are gonna get sore in your 40s. Well mine have anyway. I always struggled with injuries etc in soccer, and I am really starting to feel the pain now. Injuries take longer to shift.

3) Appreciate the short hangover, cos they can turn into 24hr ones when in your 40s!

4) If you haven't already starting saving for your pension, then you're probably too late anyway.

Have 2 kids and echo your recommendations!

3) Appreciate the short hangover, cos they can turn into 24hr ones when in your 40s!

I had a 48hr one a few months back..haven't touched a drop since!
It's ok to check them out, trying to do something other then checking them out could be a little creepy though

Hogwash! There's 11 years difference between me and the missus. That means that when I was 30 she was 19. I'm not creepy. Just very, very lucky!
No. We got married 5 years ago when I was 35 and she was 24. Before the big day I'd known her for 3 years and dated her for 12 months of those 3 years. It took me 2 years of 'softly-softly-catchey-monkey' to get my first date. She's a very beautiful girl, inside and out hence I'm a lucky, lucky chap!
Serious one - don't assume that you'll be able to have kids on your schedule. One in five couples has infertility issues. When you do 'start trying', it could well be a number of years before kids actually arrive. If you end up going down the IVF or adoption routes, double those figures.

Very good point. It can be financially crippling and emotionally devastating.
If you do go down the medical route then do your homework; you are very vulnerable and open to exploitation.
Hogwash! There's 11 years difference between me and the missus. That means that when I was 30 she was 19. I'm not creepy. Just very, very lucky!

Great story and am happy for you but are you seriously telling me that as a 29 year old, your friends and family wouldn't take you aside and ask what you are doing with a 18 year old? The difference between a 18 year old and the 24 year old that you married is huge. It's not the 11 years, it's the actual age that I was making the point about.
Ok, so I spent this weekend on the lash, but also thinking about my financial plans. Am I doing well so far?
Ok, so I spent this weekend on the lash, but also thinking about my financial plans. Am I doing well so far?

By the way, I wasn't thinking about financial stuff while I was actually on the lash

Of course you're right. It really is all about the age. I'd be most displeased if a 29 year old put his eye on my 18 year old daughter. In fact one of my friends was up to the house a couple of weeks ago with his 14 year old son and I looked at him and my 4 year-old daughter playing on the computer together, thought about the difference and was quite freaked out by it! Told my missus and she burst out laughing at me.

You are both adults and you are (I hope) happy together. You don't feel the need to apologise for it and good for you; you're right.
You don't feel the need to apologise for it and good for you; you're right.

Indeed, like motherhood, world peace and apple pie, where could you find an opponent to young good looking wives !!!

Body is creaking today, definitely get your field sports played ASAP, my days on the pitch are numbered.