Top Tips for your 30s


Registered User
I'm looking here for the 40+ posters here to list their recommendations for things to do in your 30s. A sort of...if I had my time back I would have done xyx. It doesn't have to be finance related (actually it would be more interesting if it wasn't).
That's just an underhanded way of finding out how old posters are.

I have your number.

You're probably 50.
This touches on a related post on LOS about keeping your trousers on.

I have a friend whose mother is a typical aul one. Hefty, traditional , granny perm and v. respectable. On one drunkish night when we arrived back to the friend's house where her Mum (lady described above) was babysitting, we asked her for reflections/advice on life. She said "I wish I had of put it about a bit more!".

Needless to say we howled laughing. In the confidence that comes with fighting the fellas off all night. But in our youth and beauty we just didn't get the short lived privilege that this is. It won't last and I just think that to all the 30 something gorgeous confident young things (lads and girls) out there:
Enjoy it while it lasts!!
start saving for botox,and liposuction Consume as much cholesterol as ye like, and take a time to be a couch potatoe. You'll be trying to reverse all that some enuf. What was it Shakespeare said, " golden lads and girls all must, as chimney sweepers come to dust!"
start saving for your pension now because the longer you leave it the more expensive it gets... blah blah blah (even with the tax saving I'd say I'm barely ahead of if I'd just saved it - and now I cant access it).

So, have a think about it and make some steps, but dont believe all the hype & consider whether the greater need for cash could be in the next 10 years rather than 40 years time (by the time we get there I'd be fairly sure that 70 will be the "new 60" or 50, and state pension wont kick in until 70 or later).

Am only mid 30's, but keep playing aerobic sports (GAA, soccer, rugby etc etc) as long as you can because its now getting harder fitness-wise and a hiatus in late 20's/early 30's would be a waste of valuable time.
Just remember that checking out that 18 year old hottie is not ok anymore....
I don't have any regrets about my 30s, travelled loads, settled down, made babies.

What I would say, in all seriosuness, is get you finances in order, time to start saving and investing a bit for the future, if you're in your 30s, you're halfways to the pension

Keep the brain active, one regret I have is that I never did that Masters or other degree I'd always said I would.

Travel, especially if you don't have kids, once they come along, it gets more difficult(and expensive)
What I would say, in all seriosuness, is get you finances in order, time to start saving and investing a bit for the future, if you're in your 30s, you're halfways to the pension

Keep the brain active, one regret I have is that I never did that Masters or other degree I'd always said I would.

Snap...these are the 2 things I'm focusing on at the moment....
Agree with Mpsox (and others) - think about the future. Dont just blindly keep making ends meet with no idea of where your finances will be in 5 years, 10 years etc... Sit down and do up a financial plan. Try to figure out how best to make your money work for you, how not to waste it and how best to put yourself into a secure financial position for the future.

Ask older people for tips and life experience stories. I have learned a lot from the mistakes that others have made and I have tried to avoid making them myself.

Stay as active as you can - it does get harder the older you get!!
I know some people who were still living at home or in rented flats in their thirties because they'd just kind of drifted along, meaning to move out sometime and then found it harder and harder to get a mortgage because suddenly they were forty. So, if you're in this situation, be aware that it's much more difficult to get a mortgage once you're in your forties.

TBH the kind of advice I would have given a few years ago : don't get stuck in the same job; travel abroad for a couple of years etc. doesn't seem as appropriate in a recession.
If you have any ambitions or desires such as travelling, living abroad for a while or anything else that involves a lot of physical effort and/or time, dont put it off for another day - you need to get these things done before you have kids.

You'll often meet people who'll tell you stuff along the lines off...." dont hold me back...sure I climbed Mt Everest last month with my 3 kids, all of whom are under five etc. etc...." Dont believe a single word they say.