Too soon to judge performance of PRSA?


Registered User
Mr. Ben has a prsa with Irish life through Permanent TSB. He has just finished the first year.
Any gains have been eaten by the fee charges which are 5% of any lump sum contributions as well as a 1% management fee. Should or
can he change?
Thinking of Quinn Life but do they have a good prsa product?
Perhaps one year isn't enough to do a prsa justice or should he leave before throwing more money at it?
Re: Too soon to judge performance of PRSA????

Quinn Life do not have a PRSA but they do have a 1% personal pension virtually no different to PRSA, legislatively PRSA's are more transferable but in practise transfers from PRSA are very restricted by product providers.

You can do much better with a product that doesn't take 5% upfront.
Re: Too soon to judge performance of PRSA????

I have a PRSA through a broker with Eagle Star. I kicked up a fuss about paying that 5% up front to the broker.

He agreed to reduce it to 2% after some quibbling. Why not try it ?