Tony Blair on the Late Late


Registered User
Did anyone see this on Friday? The only time I tuned into the Late Late because I knew there was actually going to be a decent guest.

I thought it was a very bad interview from Ryan Tubridy's perspective. Asking really silly questions like; did you ever pray with George Bush? or do you drink too much? At one stage Tubridy was describing Bertie ahern as "a great..." before he realised what he was saying and stopped himself.
it was one of those rare moments that you were sorry Pat Kenny wasn't there. It would have been superb. I doubt he would have used the expression "woulda, shoulda, coulda" in the context of a discussion on weapons of mass destruction.

On the other hand, Tubridy was more comfortable with Jedward whereas PK would have everyone squirming.

Maybe there should be two late lates for differnt types of guests......
tubridy was out of his depth with blair. Blair was excllent as an interviewee. It would have been interesting so to see pat interview him
I think Mark Little is the only person on RTE who might have given him a decent interview. But he is on a career break.

Pat Kenny is ... well just all about Pat Kenny. Ryan Tubridy is more or less Pat Kenny but a little less stiff.

Pat Kenny apparently did a radio interview with Blair which is to be broadcast on his show Monday (I presume.) It was recorded earlier on Friday. Might be interesting.

I couldnt agree with you more. Tubridy is a tabloid interviewer who is in his element interviewing celebrity magazine guests.

+1 to everything you said.
TB was extremely professional and is obviously well versed in the art of being interviewed by a muppet. He handled himself excellently.
Tubridy's proble is that he is a muppet and gerally has to act like one. Then when he has a serious interview where he knows a large audience will be watching he becomes nervous and fluffs it.trying to be the consummate professional too hard
He did it with Brian Cowan, Enda Kenny, Gerry Adams and now Tony Blair.

Completely out of his depth.
If they bring back Bosco he might be capable of doing that
Bring back Pat Kenny and don't have idiotic guests. Problem solved.
Eamon Dunphy fluufed it with Cambell.

Tubridy fluffed it with Blair.

Plus ça change.

This is so as not to upset the Brits.

Otherwise they'd have let Meriam O'Callaghan castrate them both.

Metaphorically speaking, of course.

+1 to everything you said.
TB was extremely professional and is obviously well versed in the art of being interviewed by a muppet. He handled himself excellently.

Except for the very last bit. Everything was going well for TB until Tubbers mentioned his kids having Irish passports and TB wasn't aware of it! Can you imagine not being aware that your children had passports for another country.

Also when he mentioned his son getting caught for under-age drinking he said something like " the poor fella" - whatever way he said it I thought he had a distant relationship with his kids. Otherwise it was good - as for Jedward....OMG
It was embarrassing at best and fair play to Blair for not losing the rag with some of the childish badgering from skeletor..
It was embarrassing at best and fair play to Blair for not losing the rag with some of the childish badgering from skeletor..

I had to turn it off, found it too embarrassing. What a waste, could have been a great interview.
I would rather see Pat Kenny fluff an irrelevant interview with the likes of Jedward or struggle through the Toy Show than have an interview with Tony Blair ruined by a tabloid interviewer like Tubridy.

Continuing to call this farce The Late Late Show makes a mockery of Gay Byrne and the many years he put into the show to make it what it was.
Miriam O Callaghan would have been a better choice for the Late Late imo, a balance between the stiffness of Kenny and the weak intellect of Tubridy. I was embarrassed for him especially during the bit on Iraq - Brian Walden he aint! Jordan and Jedward are Tubridy's level - unfortunately they are not the types of interviews I want to be watching on a Friday night.
Not sure that the format would suit her - and she maybe comes across as too laid back/homely but I really think Marian Finucane would have handled the interview very well.

Her matiness and earthiness masks a very underrated interviewing talent - she has a great ability to makes interviewees at ease before slyly slipping the odd flummoxing question. Not unlike Gaybo as it happens.

But Gaybo was never as sexy as Marian.
I thought Tubbers saw himself as a bit of an intellect??, always baying on about stuff he reads and US history etc
I thought Tubbers saw himself as a bit of an intellect??, always baying on about stuff he reads and US history etc

Yes but it's an image he like to convey. There's little of any depth that he doesn't seek to share. Every time he reads a book, you get to hear about it.

I don't think his intellect comes close to Kenny who has a genuine ability to reason and understand.
Must be the husky smoker's cough that turns you on.

Well it's a good start.

I bet she's bleedin' filthy as well ...

I think Tubridy is smart, quick, can be witty etc and seems to be well enough informed, but I don't really see him as an academic or intellectual as such.