Tommie Gorman reports from the Michaela McAreavey murder trial...


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I was listening to the report of the Michaela McAreavey trial yesterday ,and it is heart breaking to listen too,however, five minutes and 25 seconds,in to this,we hear Tommie Gorman talk about watching a football match and tell us a story about some team or other.

I could be wrong,and hope that I am,but does anyone else see any connection between the two as in I am hoping that he spoke about this because it is relevant to the case.
I found it very distasteful,and showed a lack of respect.But maybe thats because I dont see the connection.
Im hoping someone will correct me??
That whole trial is an absolute circus from beginning to end. No justice will be served on the husband or family, nor indeed on the accussed.
(Please note,that I am not posting in any way shape or form about the trial itself.
Its not the time or place until its concluded.)

Bronte, its the way that the reporter went on to speak about a football match and some team,in the same breath as telling us the details of an autopsy!
I was flabbergasted,and even my teenage son who was also listening couldn't believe what he heard.
I had to wait until it went up on line to listen again,as I had convinced my son and myself that I must have heard it wrong..
Didn't hear the report but had been wondering why RTE sent a reporter to Maruitis for the trial. Is he still over there?
It must be over there for a few weeks by now.
Is this the best use of RTE's money?
Hi Shawady, if you copy and paste this link :
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Its link number five at five minutes and 20 seconds into it.
That is indeed bizarre and distasteful thedaras. Tommy showed a real lack of judgement (not to mention lack of respect) there.
Tommie Gorman is the Northern Ireland editor for RTE. She’s from Northern Ireland (indeed the most Northerly county).
DB74 _ That's not very nice. The whole thing is incredible sad and heart rendering for the family involved.
It is very odd indeed, but maybe it's because Pat Kenny was actually broadcasting from Gdansk?

By accident, I listened first to Tommy Gorman's report today on the Pat Kenny Show, and his report was excellent.
While not doubting for a minute the horror these families have gone through over the murder of their loved one I have wondered why RTE is giving so much coverage to this trial, and not as much coverage to other trials or murders. VB has a piece on this in today's Irish Times.

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It's a good article. Unfortunately, it will always be the case that the murders of beautiful, high profile people will get more air time and column inches than those of working class people living in rough crime ridden areas... and, in fairness, the media are only responding to what the public wants.
It is horrible though that a message is being sent out that one life is more valuable than another. Mind you, VB seemed to imply that because Michaela McAreavy had no children her death wasn't as significant as Breda Walters. That wasn't very fair either.
Mind you, VB seemed to imply that because Michaela McAreavy had no children her death wasn't as significant as Breda Walters.

I'm sorry but in no way whatsoever did VB imply that in that article

If he'd said someone left no bereaved husband would you think that he was implying that the death of unmarried people is less significant than married people.

There's no way, IMO, that you can infer that from what he wrote there.
It's not new

There was a drug abuser in Dublin who died. Killed herself with her actions
She wasn't from the flats

No, her name was Katy French and got huge coverage