Tom Waits on sale today

Probably not sold out - it's just that the first batch of tickets have sold out. More will probably be released in the day or two before the show. Just like the recent Springsteen and Celine Dion shows.
I'd have thought that it is unlikely they will be releasing further tickets for Tom, given the unique anti-touting measures that applied to purchases, which make it effectively impossible to sell a ticket (unless you prepared to sit beside the person who scalped you for the ticket). The comparison to Sprinsteen and Celine Dion doesn't hold.
Another thing that is bugging me is that releasing tickets in stages means that if you're buying them in the first round and you're not the very first one in line you naturally select "best availalbe", but you might get somewhere not so great (if it's a seated concert only that is), then 3-4 weeks later Ticketmaster releases a further bach and low and behold much better tickets become available than the ones you purchased... I've noticed this with Leonard Cohen - thankfully I sold mine through toutless in the end - at the third release round you could purchase tickets in the centre block for the 5th row or so. So how can they get away with offering "best available", when better seats become available at a later stage (but obviously had to have been available at the time you purchased, only they weren't released for sale yet).
I got this over on boards - hope its ok to post it here (if not please remove). Its listed as the playlist for the current tour so it might be of interest to those going.

Hoist That Rag
Come On Up to the House
This post will be deleted if not edited immediately Gonna Be Here
Black Market Baby
Rain Dogs
Trampled Rose
Goin’ Out West
Murder in the Red Barn
Anywhere I Lay My Head
Cemetery Polka
Get Behind the Mule
Eyeball Kid
Christmas Card From A Hooker In Minneapolis [TW on piano]
Picture in a Frame [TW on piano]
Invitation to the Blues [TW on piano]
Innocent When You Dream [TW on piano]
Lie To Me
Chocolate This post will be deleted if not edited immediately
Make It Rain

Way Down in the Hole
God’s Away On Business
I got this over on boards - hope its ok to post it here (if not please remove). Its listed as the playlist for the current tour so it might be of interest to those going.
He seems to be varying the set list a bit from night to night. I read that they have rehearsed 65 songs for the tour. There are some live clips up on Youtube. Personally, I'll be hoping for a bit more of the older stuff (Closing Time, Heart of Saturday Night).
Personally, I'll be hoping for a bit more of the older stuff (Closing Time, Heart of Saturday Night).

Me too complainer. They're my two favourite albums plus Raindogs. Still though will be delighted with whatever he chooses to sing/recite
Well I'm back from an absolutely mesmerising performance by The Man himself. Rain Dogs, November and Innocent When You Dream were my highlights although its hard to single out the winners! (the set changes every evening so I don't think I'm spoiling it for those going tomorrow night). I think I was lucky to have good seats as the back of the tent seemed quite far and I'm unsure how well the sound travelled.

The ticket system worked extraordinarily well. Lets hope Ticketmaster adopt this policy for big events in the future.
My wife and I went to see Mr Waits last night (Thursday). In short we were very disappointed; I'm a long time fan having first started buying his music 15 years ago. He's a great performer in terms of charisma, stage presence and drama but to my ears his voice is completely shot;he growled and shouted through pretty much every number. It was difficult enough to make out most of the lyrics (even the ones I knew so well). We had pretty good seats, Row A, Block B so I can't blame that. Maybe I'd have been more impressed if I were right up near the stage, I don't know. This was one performer that I'd promised myself I'd get to see, no matter what; they say you should never meet your heros, well I did and boy was I disappointed.

On a plus I thought the event was well managed and there was a nice crowd at it and a good vibe about the whole evening. Anyway Tom has his money now, hope he enjoys it!
Hi Carpenter

I agree. All the songs sounded the same to me. I don't know them as well as you. Some sounded vaguely familiar. As for his joke about all the Chinese jumping up and down at the same time? What was he thinking of?

I met a guy in Ryan's of Parkgate Street afterwards and he told me he had "left" after about three songs.

But I think we are in a minority - the crowd did go mad.

The organization was great and it's so nice not to be annoyed by touts before the concert.

I thought I had bought the most expensive tickets, but I was over on the tiered seating to the side. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great.

Ah Carpenter what a shame. I was very excited at even the thought of it and I guess I had the 'vibe' I'm still smiling!!! I'm a fan and thought I had an idea of what to expect but I am in awe! I couldn't believe what he could do with his voice live - that distinguished sound that only Tom Waits can make. Totally amazing. I loved it and would have gone like a shot again tonight. What I absolutely loved was the surreal feeling of the past in the present. I can just imagine what it must have been like to see him live in a smokey, dark, New York bar.

But a big problem is the behaviour of some old folk at gigs. While sorry for those who got bad seats, one (quite elderly) guy wandered up one of the aisles to stand wherever he felt like it despite that place being in front of people. He even had the audacity to look indignant when an usher moved him back. I know some people might not go to gigs very often but I honestly think they should be shown a short video on how to behave when they're at one. I'm simply stunned he thought people paid €260+ to look at his back Anyway another thread for another day.

As for those fairweather fans who left early, they really should have stuck to their one favourite album and just listened to it at home. The Chinese quip didn't bother me. Political correctness has gone mad when we are afraid to be ourselves. The quip came from Tom Waits. An explanation of his thoughts isn't necessary. He also made a joke about the Irish not working. I'm sure if Tom tours in China we'll be the butt of his jokes but so what! Its Tom Waits
Slightly OT, but for all you Tom Waits fans you can down load his gig from July 5th in Atlanta from Go on to the site and do a search for this and other shows.

You can listen to it streaming, or just download it and listen to it when it suits you. Quite large, over the 2 hours.

*All completely legal, above board, legit - NPR have lots of gig's posted up. I have to admit a huge fan of many of their music programmes. NPR is the National Public Radio in the US.
Thanks for the link, dem_syph. I loved the show on Friday night, with the highlight being the 'old stuff' at the piano, including Heart of Saturday Night and Tom Trauberts Blues.
Of course, it would have been heaven to get more of the old stuff, like Ruby's Arms or even back to the Closing Time material, but the musicianship on the new stuff was exquisite.

I so agree, I would have loved to hear some of closing time and the oldies on the piano were fantastic but the thing that really made the night for me was the purity of the musianship and I include Tom Waits voice in that. The volume was just at the right level, the balance in the mix was perfect you could hear every instrument clearly nothing overpowered anything else, it was a master class on how music should be played and how sound engineers should create live mixes! The double bass was to die for, bass guitars should all be replaced by double bass IMO, the sound from them is magic! All in all it was worth every single penny and more! A magical treat for people who just simply love music!

Way to go Tom!

I must have been at a different gig altogether.....I'm still trying to figure out where it all went wrong!