Tom Waits on sale today

Maybe ,while he's here, he should go to the Mater Private and get those vocal polyps removed!!!! Sorry!!!
Isn't this the first event that Ticketmaster is using this policy for? I thought it was a trial run to see how it goes (with Tom Waits consent - genuine fans only need apply etc) and if successful, it will then be rolled out in the next 12-18 months?

Personally I think its advantages outweigh its disadvantages, the first being that the tickets were far easier to get this morning! Than again sam h has a very valid point of losing both tickets (ie if you have two) if the purchaser is unable to go. I suppose you can always give your passport and credit card to someone you know and trust if the same gender
I picked up my 2 tickets for Thursday night, although I've have had pangs of "guilt" over paying so much for a gig!
Why not do what most people do and salve such pangs by moaning about being ripped off?
Because there'd be another circular argument, which would get moved to LOS, go on for 16 pages and get closed when you guys got sick of moderating out the personal insults?
Or alternatively I could have said the following: "Although I feel the tickets were overpriced I cannot complain about there being any "rip-off" given that I paid the asking price, freely and without compulsion or coercion of any kind. I wanted to go to the concert so I paid the asking price for the tickets". Still what a bloody rip-off though, I'm still hurting; if I'd paid by credit card I would have had to pay another 5%, Dick Turpin how are ye! As for that tent..... ; )
That's what clinched it for me. I'd have paid that money to see His Waitness play somewhere like Whelans or Vicar Street. Not to stand in a bloody tent in the Phoenix Park!
The bottom line, as Clubman said, is the price. I like Tom, but 116 per person? To stand in a field? (oh sorry, that's not a field, that's the "ratcellar theatre")/

I predict this one won't sell out. Like the recent Springsteen gigs, tickets may well be ten a penny on the night.
Well, there was plenty of items on fan sites about the possibily of an Irish visit, so I held off on other gigs. People were saying tickets were likely to be in the order of €150, so I had myself prepared and raisded the piggy bank well in davance. I got €116 tickets (It's in Block B at the back - apparentlyl the "best available seats" at 9.02, two minutes after the tickets went on sale - I couldn't access the seating chart when booking. I felt €136 was too much (I know it's only an extra €20, but the price was steep at €116). Yet again, Irish ticket fans are being creamed - average price to see himn in main lan Europe seemed to be €60 - €70. So why so expensive here? Are promoters here just greedy, or are artists tipped off that we'll pay ridiculous prices? Had considered going to see hiom in Europe (PAris, Prague) and making a weekend out of it....

From the numbers, it looks like well over 6000 seats per nite, so not the intimate gig that I thought it was going to be. Still looking forward to it on the Friday night though.
Having just done quick check on European prices, Milan tickets are €103 - €139, Paris €69, €103 & 139. So not too late for a weekend break with Mr. Waits thrown in!!
I predict this one won't sell out. Like the recent Springsteen gigs, tickets may well be ten a penny on the night.
I think this might have as much to do with the promoters releasing tickets on the day in order to outmanoeuvre the touts.
The bottom line, as Clubman said, is the price. I like Tom, but 116 per person? To stand in a field? (oh sorry, that's not a field, that's the "ratcellar theatre")/

I predict this one won't sell out.
It had already sold out at the time that you posted this.
I think Ticketmaster should have some sort of return policy in place. With all these rules and regulations they are imposing on the purchaser you really do take a risk in buying these.
I also think that they seem to have adopted a new policy to outwit touts. I'm trying to sell two unwanted Leonard Cohen tickets, but Ticketmaster keeps releasing extra tickets for all 3 shows on an on and off basis, so no chance in getting rid of them. And they were really expensive and I bought them as special treat for the other half, not knowing that a friend of his had already organised a lad's night out. No way I'm going myself - the music is way too depressing for my liking....

You might get to sell them (possibly at less than face value) via - they will take a 10% commission as well.

I agree that a returns policy is needed if they are going to be restrictive on who turns up with the tickets.
It had already sold out at the time that you posted this.

Probably not sold out - it's just that the first batch of tickets have sold out. More will probably be released in the day or two before the show. Just like the recent Springsteen and Celine Dion shows.