Toll Barriers Cork to Dublin


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I am travelling Cork to Dublin during the week. I have never done this for a couple of years. I heard about the new motorway section being open and all of the hype about it being ahead of time, but nothing about tolls. A friend said that all of the barriers have now gone, is this correct? Do I need to use the new electronic payment method, I don’t want to get caught with these over the top fines. ( how can they get away with it?) I have been on to the NRA website and nothing about barrier free tolling except the M50.
Between Cork and Dublin (assuming you use the N8/M8!) the only toll you will come across is the toll for the Fermoy by-pass. And as Derek said, the only barrier free toll in the country is the M50.
one euro ninety cents for a car and if you wish you can through the money into a basket. this toll was there when the motorway ended in fermoy..recently i travelled as far as urlingford and no more tolls. make sure you have plenty of petrol as you might have to go off the motorway to get same..likewise wwith drinking water. safe trip