Tolerance of "cranky"/"protective" dogs diminished??

Grizzly said:
I am surrounded by house owners who have dogs. We have the owner who lets his dog out at 11 p.m. to howl at the moon for 20 minutes and at 8 a.m to howl at the rising sun.

Thats a bit ruff
I love dogs but I think that there are degrees - a small dog yapping a bit or sniffing at people is different from a large dog who scares everyone who walks by the garden. I think that people who have dogs like that are basically paranoid and anti social.

It seems that very few people have put any effort into actually training their dogs.
casiopea said:
I thought that was alsatians?
A friend of mine is a fireman. He tells of two incidents where he had to break down the front door of the house where an old person had died alone and the cat had eaten the ears, nose, eyebrows and fingertips of their former owner.

He also told me about others who have had to get a dog warden to remove half starved dogs that were still trying to protect their owner's body.
Having said that he hates cats as well...
I understand dogs would never eat a deceased owner but a cat will tuck in if it's hungry enough. I have both so if I die and am not found for a while would someone be kind enough to post the outcome. Thank you.

Purple said:
A friend of mine is a fireman. He tells of two incidents where he had to break down the front door of the house where an old person had died alone and the cat had eaten the ears, nose, eyebrows and fingertips of their former owner.

They are animals and act on instinct, its the way God/Evolution (whatever you believe in) made them. At least she was dead, I had a dalmation maul my left arm when I was 15, I still have the scars. (The reason it got my left arm was because I held up as it jumped for my throat/face).

At the end of the day, be you a cat or a dog or a gerbil person, you need to take responsibility for your pet. This doesnt mean just the standard spading, it doesnt end there as most owners seem to think.

If you are a cat owner and a neighbour is concerned that your cat is using their garden as a bathroom it is a simple enough task to train your cat (even a adult cat) to use a real litter tray that can be placed on your premises.

If you are a dog owner you should ensure that the dog is properly exercised and has the correct amount of space for its size. This does stop excessive barking. If a dog snaps and snarls at delivery people, friends, family etc. there is something wrong with how the owner is handling the dog. Its not unreasonable for the person being snapped at to want action taken (which does not necessarily mean the animal is put down).

Owners need to take responsibility.
Purple said:
A friend of mine is a fireman. He tells of two incidents where he had to break down the front door of the house where an old person had died alone and the cat had eaten the ears, nose, eyebrows and fingertips of their former owner.
So cats, and Uraguyan rubgy players aren't popular in the Purple house. Looks like the lab had quite a bit of fun;
Police who entered the house Thursday found body parts scattered in three rooms
I wonder how many body parts he stashed where the cops would never have found?
Its a disgrace to let any creature urinate, defaecate, vomit or behave aggressively, especially in public.Those responsible should be reminded of their duties and held to account.
Its disgusting to see/step on urine or turd but agression is the most serious.
There are areas of the city where its dangerous to venture, even during the day.
I steer clear of O`Connell St. and Temple Bar from late evening, but there are many other no go areas to be avoided.
I am a responsible dog owner ( I think). I have two boxers both spayed and they don't cause a nuisance barking in the garden. One of them is very nervous of other dogs whatever the size. Last night I was walking them ( On leads and under control as always) when a small rat type dog came along off the lead and began to snarl at my dogs. The nervous one backed away as he alway does while the other one had a snap at the rat to send him on his way. Owner has a go at me about having my dogs muzzled! I wish people who decide to own dogs would learn the rules.

In relation to the above comments I dont think its the canines who are the sole or principle threats .......
Can you fix the link to the labrador story Rainyday, when I follow it I get the "Alive" story twice. And for the record, yes, I am not a big fan of animals or people who eat other people.
Sarah W said:
I understand dogs would never eat a deceased owner but a cat will tuck in if it's hungry enough. I have both so if I die and am not found for a while would someone be kind enough to post the outcome. Thank you.


Maybe the dog will eat the cat?
Wouldn't it be the ultimate compliment to be eaten by your own favourite pet? The nirvana of the reduce/reuse/recycle approach?
RainyDay said:
Wouldn't it be the ultimate compliment to be eaten by your own favourite pet? The nirvana of the reduce/reuse/recycle approach?
I didn't think you had it in you rainyday,