Told to look for new job

  • Thread starter ChrisDowling
  • Start date


My husband works for a consultancy company and has been told because of the downturn in the economy they dont think they will have projects coming in that are suitable for him to work on. they have made some attempt to find a role for him elsewhere internally but to no avail. they have now said he should look for a job externally. they are not making him redundant they said go and look for a another job and come back and see me in 2 weeks, we will not kick you out in 3 to 4 weeks but you cannot still be here in 9 or 10 months.
has anyone ever experienced this? is it just them company being kind(i doubt it) letting him look for a job before making him redundant or is there some legal issue that by accepting the time to look for a job he will be entitled to redundancy down the line?
thank alot
Hi Chris

Would he have preferred to have been told on Friday that he is finishing in two weeks' time and getting statutory redundancy?

If he is a high paid consultant, the statutory redundancy will be of little use to him as the ceiling for calculations is based on €600(?) per week.

It sounds to me like a caring employer making a long-term plan for the current reduction in business.

yes , they are being very good to him in fairness
It might be a way of them getting out of paying redundancy money.If he gets set up for another job,then he can leave of his own accord,they may say they are not making him redundant officially.It may be that thiis suits both parties.
I would think that it is being handled sensitively.
So his employer is saying “we don’t have a job for you but we’ll keep you on as long as we can while you find another job”.
What more do you expect them to do?
If they were looking to save money they’d just let him go and not have to pay his salary for the next 9-10 months so there is no ulterior motive at play. His best course of action is to approach his boss and say “thanks”.