Toilet Problem


Registered User
Hey guys,

I have a problem with the upstairs loo.
Its not flushing away waste+tissue because its too close to the wall and the bend is not enough to take it way.
I bought a flexi-multi quick but have now been advised the loo needs to come out a foot or 2??

Any ideas how much this would cost ?
Any body know good plumbers in Portarlingtion area?

Sounds a bit strange! Does the pipe off the back of the toilet connect up to a bend, (turn down to floor boards and vanish) or does it go out through wall?
It comes out a small bit from the back of the loo - the theres a sharp bend to the pipe that goes out the wall.
Thats not your problem.

Either not enough water entering bowl from cistern, (adjust ballcock in cistern)


your soil stack is incorrectly vented.