TodayFM - the extremes - great and rubbish

You sure he wasn't working at the time? i.e looking for supporters feedback?

paul collins the sports guy on today fm is the worst ever

met in in croke park, he introduced himself as "Paul Collins TodayFm", I said sorry Paul never heard of you, he departed quick enough...
I think Matt Cooper is reasonably consistent. Tom Dunne is ok but sounds a bit pervy/creepy to me sometimes. Often too reverential.

Have to say I like the (sometimes smug) but warm, soothing tones of Sam Smyth on Sundays.

The rest range from tolerable to irritating IMO.
You sure he wasn't working at the time? i.e looking for supporters feedback?

well if they pay him to talk to people while on the beer then fair play to todayfm, but i'd expect a "reporter" to have a mic or at least a notebook, not a pint
well if they pay him to talk to people while on the beer then fair play to todayfm, but i'd expect a "reporter" to have a mic or at least a notebook, not a pint
you obviously dont know too many reporters.

agree with above ref Foley.
but i have to ask am i the only person in this country
who HATES Tommy Tiernan,and wonders
what all the fuss is about????
Being a fan of comedy I think Ive seen nearly every Irish comic over the last 15 years at this stage and would be critical of many. While they range from being in the wrong career to being genuinely side splitting funny, Tiernan was in a class of his own pre 5 years ago. I honestly think hes the most talented Irish comedian we've ever produced, but I also think TV sterilised him like so many comic greats, Dylan Moran another example. Jason Byrne would be an example of a truly talented comedian who didnt let his comedy change for tv, but his career may have suffered as a result as he's never made that crossover to tv.
Ian Dempsey - Just like Gift Grub I think he makes a lot of mistakes in his quizzes and choosing winners so without Gift Grub I wouldn't really listen.

Ray Darcy - I've always found the Ray Darcy show very entertaining but his show is jammed with ads so that annoys me a little. I do think that the show has been better but still listen everyday.

Ray Foley - I quite like this show again "it is just a bit of fun for your lunchtime", I am in my early 20's so this is probably why I like it I do see how he can be annoying but I listen everyday except for Friday's where the show is a nightmare he spends most of the time playing cartoon intros as "filler". He did win the Meteor best DJ award this year so he is doing something right.

Tony Fenton - I don't like Tony as a previous poster said his Americanisms are really annoying so I tune into Rick O' Shea from 2:30 to 4.

Matt Cooper - I think he is a great political presenter but please take him off the GAA coverage on TV3 he is too dry and I think he doesn't come across well.

I would agree that Sean Moncreaf and george Hook are great and do listen to them on occasions.

Paul Collins really pi**es me off he is so annoying with his stupid jokes and smart comments so I try not to listen to him.

People have different tastes in DJ's, so each to their own but until there is better competition from rival stations TodayFm will grow.
we've today fm on in work all day,
id say the following:
its top of the ratings due to a large degree because
the competition is so so poor.
IAN DEMPSEY :ok only.bit stale gift grub 3 yrs past sell by date.
'valerie' as munster team song,cringeworthy stuff.
RAY D'ARCY : small man syndrome.can someone tell me who
wants a bobble head ray?????? in fairness its an ok show,hes always right
about everything though.
RAY FOLEY :its alright,serious freshining up needed though.can anybody tell me why 3 people are needed to present majority of shows
on todayfm.
sport is ok generally T Fenton is annoying,T Dunne is good.
as said before 2fm is in bits.saturday show was brill and they scrap it???
M Whelan was getting more listeners than C ANd J Jim.
Ian Dempsey - Just like Gift Grub I think he makes a lot of mistakes in his quizzes and choosing winners so without Gift Grub I wouldn't really listen.

Every second Friday morning on Today FM
Contestant 1: No Ian, I think youll find i answered first,
Ian: Ah jaysus, dont get so upset, its only a bit of craic.
Contestant 1: Theres 10 grand on the line.
Ian: Ah stop will ya, its only for the craic.
Contestant 1: No Ian, its 10 GRAND, it might be a bit of craic to you cos youre on 250k a year, but not to me. I just answered first for 10 grand but you couldnt hear me cos you were laughing at Mario so much so you decided to hear yer one with the cute laugh intead of me but I did answer first.
Ian: Ah, its only a bit of craic, Mary from offaly youre our winner..yaaaaah.
contestant 1: f**k off. beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
His competitions are all over the place, Mario keeps correcting him on his mistakes but he rarely picks the correct winner for these "answer first" competitions and it is really annoying like car said.
10k is a lot of money for anybody so I don't know how he is getting away with it.

I do think if 2FM sorted themselves out they would be the major force again in radio but I can't see that happening anytime soon.
Just listening to the Ian Dempsey show and John Spillane is a guest presenter. A bit mad and Cork accents abound but top class entertainment.
i have to say that gift grub is one of the most entertaining things on radio. but as soon as dempseys slot is over teh radio channel is changed. in relation to presenters i have to say that i no longer listen to Darcy over some of his comments. i think he comes out with a lot of smutty comments and teh worst thing that he said that offended me was when a player from my county (not going to say which county) got floored playing for his country when Ireland played the Aussies. Darcy just said thats ok sure hes only from xxx county. There was no irony here, he meant it. Come on, i know its not an internationally renowned sport but this player was representing his country and Darcy rubishes him. As soon as i heard him make this comment i sent a text to him to let him know he had lost a listener for good. Did he read it out? not a chance....
Another thing about P Collins is his constant use of "Glasgow Celtic" and "Glasgow Rangers", are these not Celtic and Rangers or is there a London Tottenham Hotspur or London Chelsea I don't know about?
OK so it seems that there are some fans of Foley and some hate him, like me.

I appreciate that we all have different tastes, but I will agree with the point that someone raised about why we must have 3 people to host a radio show? Imagine the salary these 3 are earning, when 1 person could play the CDs exactly the same.

And I have just thought of a real pet hate for me for DJs. I really hate it when they tell me that my weekend has 'officially started'. Yeah like I need them to tell me on a Friday lunchtime that the weekend is looming. Some even have started mentioning the 'weekend' on Thursdays now. Probably to get one up on another DJ.

I always said that if I won a few million on the lottery I would set up a local radio station and play music 24hrs a day, without one single interruption from a waffling DJ. After all, do we really want to listen to them and their ramblings?
I always said that if I won a few million on the lottery I would set up a local radio station and play music 24hrs a day, without one single interruption from a waffling DJ. After all, do we really want to listen to them and their ramblings?

Simple, but excellent - do any stations actually do this?
Another thing about P Collins is his constant use of "Glasgow Celtic" and "Glasgow Rangers", are these not Celtic and Rangers or is there a London Tottenham Hotspur or London Chelsea I don't know about?

Glasgow Celtic is their name, rangers are just rangers.

Anyhoo, the words that annoy me most on radio............

gooood eeeevening, oiiimmmmmm Mmmoichael MmmcMullen

Glasgow Celtic is their name, rangers are just rangers.

Anyhoo, the words that annoy me most on radio............

gooood eeeevening, oiiimmmmmm Mmmoichael MmmcMullen

Me too. Jez his voice is so bad. Especially when he says his own name.

And I am finding Nathan Murphy even worse. When he is speaking generally he's fine, but just listen to how he says his name - so boring its untrue.
Simple, but excellent - do any stations actually do this?

There may be some internet channels that do this without DJs but I don't listen to internet radio much.

The closest to it would be those Music Choice channels on Sky digital. There is a selection of about 10 free ones, with no interruptions. I think it costs about £5 per month to get another 70 or 80 channels.
Originally Posted by Jock04
Glasgow Celtic is their name, rangers are just rangers.

Checked the Celtic Football Club internet page and asked a few fans. From what I can see there is no reference to Glasgow Celtic other than PC's references.
you could say that Glasgow Rangers is used to differentiate them from QPR, but why not just call them the Huns - sure everyone knows who they are (years back the magazine World Football carried a headline - why everyone hates the Huns - couldnt belive it that it would make it into headlines like that (non tabloid ones anyway)).

Isnt Celtics' proper name The Celtic Football Club ?
Maybe the addition of "Glasgow" to Celtic is to differentiate them from "Wayside Celtic"?