Today FM and April fool



the first news I heard on Today Fm this morning was at 9am. April fool joke about driving on the right handside etc. 2nd headline was about some poor young teenager killed in a road accident in Tipperary this morning. Thought the april fool joke in very bad taste and assume they would pull it before after playing it once. But No. Persisted with it on the 10am news too, also as headlines and had some ejeet with an Irish accent pretending to be German and from the EU. 2nd story again about the tragic accident this morning in Tipp. are the controllers of this station so desperate for Ryanair type publicity that they will stoop to any low to try and get our attention? As it transpires my favourite program on radio is Matt Cooper on the last word so I am not anti Today FM. but it came close this morning.
Had Today FM on yesterday from 8am. I agree with you totally. If they wanted it in there, they should have done a News at Ten 'and finally'