To tip or not to tip, that is the question...

I dont tip at all... I expect good service, good food, hense why I have chosen said restaurant on my saturday night out. My OH always answers the staff honestly when they ask him "was everything ok"?
I have to say, now that money is much tighter than it used to be, I am starting to resent having to leave a 10 -15% tip. I hardly ever eat out anymore and, when I do, it's usually an early bird and I have to factor it in to my budget.

Likewise, I'm beginning to resent having to tip hairdressers and taxi drivers. No one gives me a tip
I do not tip hairdressers or taxi drivers in Ireland.

I used to tip hairdressers a number of years ago until they regaled me with their tales of building 5-bedroomed houses overlooking lakes and taking exotic holidays!

I don't tip taxi drivers. By their own account, they owned huge properties in Bulgaria or Poland.

I would have felt very awkward leaving a tip to such wealthy people.

I tip the hairdresser if I am happy with the service. I dont get taxis very often but it never even crossed my mind to tip taxi drivers...