My car is due for NCT in June, it is also due to be taxed then. There are a few things that will need to be done to get it through the NCT (it's an old car - 1995, 114k miles) all in all between tax and the service / NCT on the car I'm probably looking at 1k cash.
My question is should I get rid of the car before June to avoid that cost? I have a big engine car so whatever I buy next will have a smaller engine so the tax will be cheaper and petrol costs too.
I realise that the car is less valuble without the NCT but I'm not sure that I would make the difference in the sale value of the car - any advice?
My question is should I get rid of the car before June to avoid that cost? I have a big engine car so whatever I buy next will have a smaller engine so the tax will be cheaper and petrol costs too.
I realise that the car is less valuble without the NCT but I'm not sure that I would make the difference in the sale value of the car - any advice?