We are selling our family home (PPR) to move to another location. It went on sale in June and, on advice from the EA, we went sale agreed on the property less than 2 weeks later. It was estimated at 330,000-350,000 and we went sale agreed at 340,000 which I was reasonably happy with, if a bit surprised that we were encouraged to go sale agreed so quickly. Deposit was paid promptly but contracts have not been signed due to delays in buyers securing mortgage, small issues in the survey, solicitors/auctioneers being on holiday etc.
However we were almost ready to sign when a new offer has come in €20,000 higher than the current offer. I'm very torn - it's a lot of money for us and very tempting but we are so close to contracts with the other buyer. I know its legal but I know its a risk and it feels like a crappy thing to do to our buyers. However it would make a huge difference to our life for the next few years.
Has anyone been on this side of gazumping and how did it go?