My house didn't sell at auction in April, small, Georgian house in Donnybrook. Worth E2 million then. Now another auuctoineer (brother of friend of family) says he has two buyers for it, one with an offer of E1.8 million, the other slightly lower. This is inherited property on which I have no mortgage. Unsure whether to just sell. I hate being a landlord, find it very stressful, but don't want to be stupid either. I have a mortgage on a tax break property of E115,000. No other mortgage currently. Other property worth about E1.4 million. Very low income from Georgian property which I now have an offer on - rental income E2500 per month, but upkeep expenses very large, as it is such an old property. I work as a nurse, but on temporary yearly contract, salary E43,000 per year, but large childcare expenses currently. My question is should I hang on to the property or should I sell. I need to do a course to become a specialist nurse, which is very expensive E8,000 per year, but which would give me an extra E14,000 on my basic salary. I was thinking of releasing some equity to fund this course, and decrease my hours by one day per week, and also to cover some maintenance and repair costs on the properties over two years, starting next September. I was looking at releasing equity of E70,000, and was thinking of taking the mortgage down very soon in case interest rates go up again. Any advice really appreciated in relation to my rather convoluted story.