To Auction or Not?


Registered User
Following on from my earlier thread ) ) - I was talking to my (potential) auctioneer and he was suggesting putting the house up for auction.

My house is a small cottage, easy walking distance from a small town - it would definetly appeal to a certain type of person and would be described as having "charm" - you know the type.

My fear is that it may not attract the numbers necessary to drive the price at auction and therefore may not make the reserve (which hasn't even been set yet) - so I would feel that it would have a strong possibility of not selling at auction - and I guess the real question is - how does this affect price.

I know myself that if I were looking a house that had previously been for auction and not sold that I would be looking at reducing what I would normally bid.

Do people feel that auctions are "risky"?

PS - It is a smallish town with only one decent auctioneer - he seems to have managed to keep all the others out - even though they have tried to set up against him.
What are the advantages for you of going this route? I can see from the auctioneers point of view it's a very fast and neat way to get a sale, nothing can fall through. why not go the private treaty route and see how that goes first if you are not comfortable with an auction? You can always go to auction later.