Title deeds never registered by solicitor



Can someone please advise. We are using same solicitors we used 7 years ago when purchasing a small property. We are now selling it and man. co has informed us that sol. never registered the title deeds with land registry. It is now 2 months since we agreed the sale. I confronted solicitor after I found out, who apolgised and did not deny delays caused by previous error on their part. I'm frustrated and daunted by the whole thing, do I take him at his word
and just let it run its course or should I seek some sort of redress, i.e. a reduction in their fees? as I'm sure we'd have closed by now....
You can request your solicitor to expediate registration of the title deeds.

I'm unsure what you mean by 'do I take him at his word'? The solicitor has admitted that delays were caused by a previous error on their part. As he has said this, why would you think he is not telling you the truth? If he lodged your deeds seven years ago, then it is likely that the Land Registry raised a query that he didn't respond to and such cases are put on file as pending until the solicitor reverts.

Regarding reduced fees I would certainly negotiate this with the solicitor directly. If he is now acting for the sale of the property he may be willing to reduce his costs. If you are still unhappy with the outcome then you could write to the Law Society outlining your case.
The fact that registration wasnt completed wouldnt necessarily have delayed the closing of your sale since it is common practice to sell in these circumstances. If however your solicitor has confirmed to you that his delay in registration has caused a delay in the sale and this has affected you adversely then yes you should put your grievance directly to your solicitor and ask for a discount in the fee. Most solicitors would probably accede to this request in those circumstances.
Thank you for your replies. Taking him at his word, I was refering to his
ability in closing the deal. However the solicitor I dealt with 7 years ago has left the company and set up on his own. Worked for same company I am now delaing with. I will still try and negotiate a reduction in their fees, since current sol. has admitted delays caused by same. Good to know,
deal can go ahead while title is in the long process of being fully registered,
but my faith in this firm has been shaken, so I'm not optimistic it will close anytime soon and all my plans are put on hold.
You dont have to stay with the same Solicitor, a different firm of solicitors can take over your file and complete your registration and your sale. it is unfair to stay with the same company if you have lost faith in them, you will spend most of your time worrying about what will happen next, when selling or indeed buying a property is already stressful enough.