tired of mobile phones going off in business premises

All jamming gear is illegal here, only cheap solution is to bring in and enforce a policy on mobile usage.
It's not illegal per se (it was until recently - people may remember a certain cinema being found in breach) but all the mobile companies have to agree to it....and with lost revenue, this doesn't provide them with much incentive.
It's not illegal per se (it was until recently - people may remember a certain cinema being found in breach) but all the mobile companies have to agree to it....and with lost revenue, this doesn't provide them with much incentive.

I think they 'each' have to set up a micro cell for their network, with all incoming/outgoing (except 999/911) calls blocked. When a phone is in the area it defaults to cell as it is the strongest signal and thus is blocked. The reality of getting this done by the service providers is little to none!

Technology is not always the answer.

In our place, people who regularly leave their mobile phones unattended, and whose ringtone cause an annoyance to those around them, have, in the past, returned to find their phones kidnapped with a ransom note. If done in a light-hearted way, it works. Failing than, power the phone off and leave in a drawer. The owner soon gets the message.

As an aside, WTF is up with people who ring a number, get no answer, then ring again straight after, and again, and again ?
There was a discussion on radio today about the problem of mobile phones in prisions. The Govener of Mountjoy (Mr Lonergan) stated that they were in the advanced stages of tesing technology which would allow prision authorities to manage the problem.

Is there a device to render mobile phones inactive in a building?
I remember readind something years ago about the Israeli Secret Service who had developed technology to block out mobile phone signals.
have to say if its left on a desk and is continually ringing I'd have no problem answering the call, and then turning it off. With a note beside it saying why.
You could always turn rooms in your office into Faraday cages. That will cut off phone signals. A little bit costly though I'd imagine.
I assume you can transmit a signal that cancels the frequency of the mobile phone. But its broadcasting and you'd need a licence which you can't get. Unless you're the Secret Service or something.
I always have my mobile phone with me at work in case schools/kids need to contact me, but I keep it on silent. The vibration alerts me if there is a call but it doesn't bother anyone else.
I always have my mobile phone with me at work in case schools/kids need to contact me, but I keep it on silent. The vibration alerts me if there is a call but it doesn't bother anyone else.

fair play to you milly. i do the exact same...most of the time alas unfortunately not everyone is as perfect as you or i and therefore do not live up to our high standards

ah no only kidding but you are right. most phones have vibrating as part of them so i see no reason not to have it on vibrate. i think the problem of walking off and leaving the phone on the desk is the most annoying. it is not too bad if the phone rings and one is actually there to answer it.
