Tips on Travel in Central America?


Registered User

Three of us heading to central America in July, has anyone any tips on where to go, we have flights into and out of Mexico City and think we should visit Guatemala and Costa Rica possibly Belize. We will be there for four weeks! Any suggestions? Anyone experienced travel by bus there?


Hi there,

I spent a month in Central America last year and really enjoyed it.
We went to all the countries in CA apart from El Salvador, and the ones I'd like to return to are Guatemala and Costa Rica.

Guatemala - places to see: Tikal to see the Mayan ruins; Atigua is worth a visit - lovely colonial town (but a bit touristy compared to rest of CA); the scenary of the lakes near Antigua with the volcanos all around is stunning.

Costa Rica : the rain forests are a must. The capital San Jose is very noisy and dirty, and not worth a visit. The pacific and atlantic coasts are very different - the atlantic coast has a very carribbean feel with lots of rastas. The pacific coast felt more south american and has beautiful beaches.

Belize : wasn't my favourite place. Mind you I was only on the islands, which are full of cheap north american condos, so didnt see the interior of the country.


We went to Costa Rica 3 yrs ago... agree about San Jose - not a lot to see. We visited Arenal (famous volcano) and visited the Caribbean coast (by bus - was fine) stayed in hostel in Peurto Veijo, very Rasta and lots of rain! Nice but muddy... probably should have gone to Pacific side..
Also went to Panama, did a tour of the city with a private guide - pretty good, saw Noreiga's old house etc, and the old town. Also took a bus/boat to the Bocas Del Toro archapeligo off the coast(caribbean!!) again, lots of rain! but worth a look for the Leatherback turtle reserves etc...
enjoy - People were friendly in both places. No problems, luckily!
