Tiny Insects/Mites?


Registered User
I moved into a new house just over 6 months ago. Over the last 2-3 months I have noticed minute white insects/mites? I know I have a great eye sight but I have seen loads of them!!. The bathrooms are tiled and the upstairs floors were sanded and varnished.....so I'd like to think that the builder's dust is gone at this stage...but I spot them on the tiles, on the wooden floor, on the sink in the bathroom. Thet are mostly creamy white in colour. They are upstairs and downstairs. Nobody else notices them unless I point them out.

Any ideas how to get rid of them???
Using a steam cleaner in the areas prone to these mites should be very effective in removing them.
Notice I said removing them not killing them, just in case there is a preservation order on the the mites
We have them too in our house which we built recently and moved in to last October. Would love to know more too !!
Thanks for that guys. Glad to know I'm not the only one with this problem. Not looking forward to all the steaming...it will take ages!!!!! Worth a try though...thanks
Thanks Sueellen

I think the Booklice/Paperlice link could be the answer......"may crawl in large numbers over stored papers, books, walls, furniture, and other materials in damp, warm, undisturbed areas in buildings especially during the spring and summer months. Sometimes they are found in newly-constructed dwellings containing uncured green lumber or plastered walls"..

As the link suggests they smaller ones seem to be lighter in colour. Let's hope the house dries out quickly!!