Timing Belts


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At what mileage does timing belt need to be changed. Can somebody explain what the difference between a chain and a timing belt is. Does chain need to be changed.
Depends on the car for belt change. Chain shouldn't ever need changed - but may do.

Try a search for timing belt and timing chain for plenty of info.
Varies from car to car, but often around the 60-70k miles range. Owners manual will state frequency.
What if your car is over 6 years old but has only 38000 miles on the clock? Should I change it or will it still be ok for another while? Thanks.
It is generally something like "80,000 miles or 4 years, whichever arrives first". At 6 years I'd say you're pushing it, depending on the car.
I had my car serviced today and the main Ford dealer said either 5 years or 100,000 miles whichever arrives first.

AFAIK Ford in particular have longer intervals than most for belt changes.

In contrast, I think some Alfas are every 30K or something. But no matter, you'll probably never reach 30K anyway.
... In contrast, I think some Alfas are every 30K or something. But no matter, you'll probably never reach 30K anyway.
30 wha' Cav? Is tha' 30 miles or 30 kilometers?

Q. How many mechanics does it take to change the timing-belt on an Alpha-Romeo?
A. None because mechanics don't work in scrap-yards. Boom-Boom. Tchhh!
It's a 03 Renault Clio. So you reckon that I should prob get it done sooner rather than later?
so its a 2003 clio with 38000 miles on it?
i would probably get it done to be safe at the next service.
Make sure you get the full kit done and not just the belt. Kit has idle rollers, tensioner and belt. Also ask the garage about the waterpump - on some cars it makes sense to do this at the same time.