Timeframe to finish road/greens in estate


Registered User

Could someone advise how long a builder should have to completely finish the road and greens in an estate? Some of the houses are there over 4 years and the road still han't been tarred and the greens are a mess.

What is the process in following this up??

I don't think there is a timeframe as such, I have heard of estates that are never finished. Ours is three years later and still not finished.
you should contact your local authority and look to speak to the area engineer who will be able to advise what the state of play is between the council and the developer. The developer would have lodged a bond with the council for the provision of such items and will only get the bond back if the estate is handed over. However, if the estate has further potential for the developer, such as more sites for new houses down the line, then I wouldn't hold my breath for things to get finalised anytime soon unfortunately.
There was a Circular Letter issued to all planning authorities by the DoEHLG in February 2008 calling on them to fulfil their legal obligation to take in charge residential developments and only to promote the establishment of management companies in limited circumstances. As far as I know, each local authority was required to develop or update their policy on taking charge by the end of 2008, to ensure amongst other things, that developers complete residential developments to a standard that is in compliance with the planning permission granted either through securing bonds, inspection of construction and enforcement action if necessary.

I don’t know the full details on this, or how long it will take to have any affect, or whether it will help residents in developments which are already constructed and the developer has gone AWOL. Maybe someone else has more accurate information on this?
Pantone, that is interesting but unless they start taking the builders to court and hitting them where it hurts most, it will fall on deaf ears.

They should be forced to finish off estates as per planning permission granted for health and safety reasons. In the estate that I live I have had two punctures and nearly hit the kerb because of loose grit on a corner that caused the car to skid.