timed out of AAM


Registered User
how long before you are timed out of AAM?

i logged in and typed a message i was about to log as a new thread and when i clicked "submit new thread" i was told that i wasn't logged in.

then i tried to go back to copy my message so that i could paste it into the new thread and wasn't allowed to.

this happened to me before too & is quite annoying.

i find that io might only get a chance to write a few lines of a message before having to do some work & then come back to continuing the message after a few minutes....
"i find that io might only get a chance to write a few lines of a message before having to do some work & then come back to continuing the message after a few minutes...."

I hate the way bloody work gets in the way of the internet!
:) i know what you mean legend99. it pays the bills i suppose so we can't ignore it completely.

anyone know how quickly you get timed out though?