Time to stockpile diesel to stay economical (or trading)


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For businesses with several vehicles on the road; is now the time to buy a diesel storage tank and stockpile diesel supplies. It may save some money with the rapidly increasing cost and backup in case of shortages...?
Nobody can answer this question, because nobody knows what the price of a barrell of oil will be in the short/medium term.

If you stockpile now, and if the price falls to 90-100 dollars a barrell soon as some optimists think it might, you'll lose.

If it rises to 200-250 a barrell as some pessamists think it might, then you'll gain.

One thing we know for sure is that some time in the future (10 years, 20 years, maybe 50 years), the price of oil will skyrocket, as we pass the much documented "Peak Oil" phase, and supply no longer meets demand.

When this happens, the current price of oil will look very cheap indeed.
One thing we know for sure is that some time in the future (5 years, 10 years, maybe 30 years), the price of oil will skyrocket, as we enter into the much documented "Peak Oil" phase, and supply no longer meets demand.

The theory of Peak Oil and its possible consequences is merely a theory. One thing we know for sure is that we can never know anything for sure.
The theory of Peak Oil and its possible consequences is merely a theory.
True, Peak Oil is a theory. But it is likely to happen. It's merely the point in time when approximately 1/2 the worlds finite oil reserves are used up, and we enter a phase of diminishing supply. Hopefully it won't happen soon. Hopefully the world will have stopped using oil altogether by the time Peak Oil happens as we use more Nuclear and renewables. But with the world consuming nearly 100 million barrels of oil a day (I think that's about 3 litres of oil per person on the globe per day), I think peak oil has a good chance of happening unless there are changes.

One thing we know for sure is that we can never know anything for sure.

I know one thing for sure. I won't be alive 10'000 years from now.

Promoting "Peak Oil" stories by Oil companies and brokers has been used on many occassions since oil was discovered to pump up the speculative price of oil in the commodities markets.

Ironically they have found true allies in the various environmental parties swallowing it hook line and sinker!
One of the ironic things is that as oil becomes more expensive, more and more oil that wasn't previously economically viable to extract, becomes viable.