There's been a spate of robberies in my neighbourhood over the past weeks. One of these was a robbery in the small supermarket (it's a nationwide chain) where guys with balaclavas and knives threatened staff and got away with cash.
I was sympathising with one of the workers there and casually asking her did they get time off after that scary experince (she seemed pretty shook up about it). She said not at all and seemed pretty distressed about it.
I'm pretty shocked about this. Do employees not have a right to paid time off such an experience? Alternatively if there's no 'right' to this is there no moral obligation on the part of the employers? The girl I spoke to seemed to feel there was no point at all seeking paid time off.
I'm going to phone the manager about this but would be interested to get any views on this or suggestions about how to address the issue before I call.
Don't know what the legal position is, but I would tend to agree with you.
Some times after a traumatic event, the best thing can be to "get back on the saddle again" as quickly as possible, but to be forced to do this or not allowed any break at all when someone is quite upset seems wrong.
I know a bank employee who was working in a branch when an armed robbery took place- I can't remember the exact details but I know that all staff were offered some time off, professional counselling and some (small) cash sum as a gesture. I would feel that as a minimum a days paid leave and an opportunity to receive some professional counselling should be offered.