time of wedding ceremony


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just curious what time do people get married at in ireland.I want to get married at one o'clock but my fiancees mother says no one gets married that early anymore and says we should do it at two_One of my points being that the band is scheduled to start at nine and finish at twelve this would mean probably sitting at six for dinner so would this not leave time tight taking into account my fiancee being late and photographs etc.
We got married at 1.00. It's definately not too early. We had no more than 10 minutes travelling from church to photographs to hotel, and were able to eat at 5. Bear in mind that it is not your fiancees mother's wedding -it is yours, so do whatever suits you both.
No problem. Just speaking from the experience of having a mother in law who tried to dictate how we planned our wedding.
I think it depends on where you are gtting married and whether guests have to travel. I've been to a couple of 1 o'clock weddings down the country and it is a pain in the ass. Oddly enough all Dublin weddings have been later.
Simple solution: get married at 1pm, but invite your dear MIL for the video playback at 3pm!
Just make sure that whatever time you get married that the meal is not left until maybe 6oc which is far too long a gap from 1 or 2oc. I was at a wedding some time ago where this happened and a lot of people were fairly drunk by the time the meal arrived. I was designated driver that day and it was very boring hanging around waiting for the meal.
We are getting married in carlow i am from cavan.I wil have the meal at five just thought that the extra hour would leave it more relaxed as regard to speeches.I just feel that people enjoy the dancing and the band and i don't want to lose that time. I have a DJ from 12 to 2 which the band also do just think more time for people to let there hair down and have a good time this way.How many times have you been at a wedding and just as it starts to get going it ends.
I had a 1pm in Kilkenny and had to travel from Galway so was late. The bride told me the priset insisted on a 1pm start as he had other stuff to do that day.
I got married at 1pm also.

Don't understand people complaining and being late. Its your day you pick the time. If you want more time for dancing and a more relaxed dinner than you do that. People should make the effort and be there on time.

But on the other hand if you are having a 1pm wedding (or any other time) treat your guests with some respect and be on time yourself. I've been to weddings where the bride was 45 mins late. Extremely annoying.

A 1 wedding means people won't get to the hotel till approx 3. So a 5 sit down would be ideal.
friend of mine got married at 11am! was a bit early alright, but think the church was booked for an afternoon wedding too!
One of my friends got married at 5pm. Went straight to a restaurant after the ceremony rather than having people hang around all day. Worked a treat.