Just wondering could I take a straw poll from those who put 3-bed semis on the market in the past 6/12 months and get a feel for time to market to sale agreed to close.
Building a house in Cork (just started) and will be finished in 12 months. Big Q is when to put the family home in Dundrum up for sale. Obviously every sale is specific to its location, quality etc. but just wondering how many people went sale agreed on a 3 or 4 bed family home in a Dublin suburb and to get a poll of time 'in chain'. It's so far away for us, we can actually live out a 'chain' situtation as long as it all comes good in Feb of next year - bit of a tightrope though
Do we put it on the market now, looking for a long close, or wait until Jul/Aug and hope that it take 1-2 months to sell, 2 months to close + time for buyer to sell (if they are) = Feb 2009 .. who knows is the actual answer I know, but just wondering whats others experience was of the dreaded 'chain' in the past 6/12 months
Tx in advance for you two-cents worth ...
Building a house in Cork (just started) and will be finished in 12 months. Big Q is when to put the family home in Dundrum up for sale. Obviously every sale is specific to its location, quality etc. but just wondering how many people went sale agreed on a 3 or 4 bed family home in a Dublin suburb and to get a poll of time 'in chain'. It's so far away for us, we can actually live out a 'chain' situtation as long as it all comes good in Feb of next year - bit of a tightrope though
Do we put it on the market now, looking for a long close, or wait until Jul/Aug and hope that it take 1-2 months to sell, 2 months to close + time for buyer to sell (if they are) = Feb 2009 .. who knows is the actual answer I know, but just wondering whats others experience was of the dreaded 'chain' in the past 6/12 months
Tx in advance for you two-cents worth ...