Time between making an offer and getting response?


Registered User
I made an offer on a house last Friday, about 15% below the asking price. Offer was reasonable, in my opinion, based on the work that needs to be done to the house.

However, I haven't heard anything from the estate agent since then! How long does this normally take, or should I call them again?
I'd expect a reply faster than that. I'd contact the EA and say that the offer expires at close of business tomorrow (or Friday - suit yourself).
I bought my house mid last year. It took about 1.5 to 2 weeks before our offered was replied to and accepted. So, sometimes patience is required and the sale may not be as straight forward as you think. Our EA did keep us up to date, that is was still being considered and would take x amount of days more
Thanks for the feedback! I rang them today and there have been a few offers, but I'm none the wiser as to where I stand. I'll have to sit it out I guess!