Timbre Frame Foundations - costs etc


Registered User
Hoping to start building my house in the New Year (220 sq.m, timbre frame, story and a half) and garage (46 sq.m) and I am just wondering about the foundations.

Cost? – the site is pretty flat and when digging the trial holes we hit rock after about 5 or 6 foot. Would like to have this money put aside (outside of the mortgage) so I’m looking for a ballpark figure to turn the field into a site ready for the timbre frame? All help /advise / experiences and cost break-downs would be very grateful.

Type? Is there a certain type of foundation that is best used for timbre frame houses? Clueless!!

Recommendations? The build is in North East Galway, can you recommend any one in that area that you have used or heard of that will do a good honest job.

I’m sorry if this has already been talked about in previous links and if it has please point me in there direction.

Foundations for block or TF are the same. You will probably end up going with a raft. Probably looking at between 10-15k euro for the raft.

Groundworks cannot gauge for you besides as have no idea of the size of your site.

You will need to get the drawings done and a specialised engineer to do up the raft. Then get these drawings and steel schedule out for quotes.

you will need a sole plate for your TF also, to attach the TF to when it is been erected.