Timber Windows


Registered User
Is it true that windows in the country have to be made from Timber when going for planning, and you can change them to any other material after a year, (seems a bit ridiculous) I am going for planning in Laois.
Is it true that windows in the country have to be made from Timber when going for planning, and you can change them to any other material after a year, (seems a bit ridiculous) I am going for planning in Laois.

I got planning in Laois in January and I didn't need to specify anything.

Differs from Council to Council. Ring the planning office. They're actually reasonably helpful.
the only legal restriction on the window type is work doen to listed buildings... they will not allow pvc window on them....

otherwise, just check your conditions of planning, if its not mentioned, then dont worry about it...
Have a look at your county councils Planning section online. Some give detailed reports of why a particular planning application succeeds or not whichever the case may be. You will see what kind of issues are important to that particular authority. I know Kilkenny and Kerry have well detailed Planning Application Reports. In Kerry they have scanned in plans.