Timber frame home homes


Registered User
Has anyone had any dealings with Century Timber Frame homes and if so how did they find the finished product. Anyone send them their own house plans for a quotation and did it take a long time to get a quotation? Anyone any recommendations for other suppliers
You better check the "homes and garden " section here on AAM. Good luck.
Century Homes are one of the main manufacturers of Timber Frame homes in the country. Their work seems to be as good as the next people’s. I would recommend a timber frame home if you were building a detached house only. The noise transfer through adjoining structures of timber frame can be quite horrendous. I don’t care what BS and ISO standards people quote – they are noisy. But they are warm and easy to heat.

This is something that has puzzled me,there was a full page add in the SBP detailing the advantages of Concrete built homes and they said themal insulation was excellent.I always thought Timber Frame was warmer/easier to heat than concrete homes.

I have lived in a timber frame home for the past 2 years & have found that while the house does heat up very quickly.......the heat also disappears very quickly. So not sure why everyone goes on about how good timber frame homes are for heating?
The insulation properties of timber are indeed much better than concrete. Thermal insulation in concrete homes does not come from the concrete itself, it comes from the other insulating products used in the construction process (e.g. foam backed plasterboard etc etc).

All buildings (timber, concrete or other) need insulation. Winnie, if your house is losing heat quickly you should look at why this is the case and retrofit adequate insulation as necessary.
Breffni Boy2 said:
Century Homes are one of the main manufacturers of Timber Frame homes in the country. Their work seems to be as good as the next people’s. I would recommend a timber frame home if you were building a detached house only. The noise transfer through adjoining structures of timber frame can be quite horrendous. I don’t care what BS and ISO standards people quote – they are noisy. But they are warm and easy to heat.


Have to disagree with you there,we have a timber frame semi and there is no more noise from next door than in a brick-built house. In fact we never hear a peep from next door bar their toddler stomping on the wooden floors when shes throwing a tantrum and the odd door banging.

We find it really quick and cheap to heat....and have no problems with heat retention....
Do your research on lightweight (timber frame) vs Heavyweight (cavity block) build types. Thermal mass is important for comfort levels in houses and Irelands temperate climate has enough of a temperature difference between day and night to benefit from thermal mass. If you go with timber frame then consider using stone floors etc to add thermal mass. Double layer of plasterboard would also increase thermal mass. Usually only the first 25mm of a concrete walls thermal mass is relevant.
On the noise issue, I live in a 50's or there abouts semi built using cast concrete, and I can hear the TV and muffled conversations from next door in the bedrooms upstairs. Downstairs walls have all been insulated and dry-lined, so don't hear anything there.
Similarly, I live in a house built with blockwork around 1980. The sound, and probably heat, insulation isn't great so that we too can hear noises from next door when we are upstairs. The popular slogan may say "Concrete built homes are better homes" but amongst other things that assumes that all builders build to the same standard, which is clearly not the case.
pennypincher said:
This is something that has puzzled me,there was a full page add in the SBP detailing the advantages of Concrete built homes and they said themal insulation was excellent.I always thought Timber Frame was warmer/easier to heat than concrete homes.

I think there is a bit of a slaging match going on between concrete built homes and timber build frames. The prevoius week's SBP had a similar full page ad detailing the advantages of timber framed homes.
pennypincher said:
This is something that has puzzled me,there was a full page add in the SBP detailing the advantages of Concrete built homes and they said themal insulation was excellent.I always thought Timber Frame was warmer/easier to heat than concrete homes.

If I am not mistaken last weeks SBP had a full page ad slagging off timberframes and about 6 pages later a full page ad advocating the benefits of the TimberFrame house - onviously the papers are the big winners!

Me?, Timberframe every time.

"Thermal insulation in concrete homes does not come from the concrete itself, it comes from the other insulating products used in the construction process (e.g. foam backed plasterboard etc etc). "

Ditto for timber frame.
MOB said:
"Thermal insulation in concrete homes does not come from the concrete itself, it comes from the other insulating products used in the construction process (e.g. foam backed plasterboard etc etc). "

Ditto for timber frame.

Actually timber contributes to thermal insulation also, more so than concrete, hence the difference.

As mentioned earlier resistance to heat loss is one aspect of insulation, storage of heat is another.
Concrete bolcks hold heat and release it during the day as the temperature inside drops, wood does'nt do this.

Ah you say but timber frame houses have an outside layer of block also. True, this is on the outside, shielded by a layer of insulation from the inside, hence providing reduced thermal benefit.
Timber is not an insulator as such. Timber can provide a cold bridge through insulation all be it is not a great conductor of heat. (wall ties in concrete build do the same) Do timber frame companies put insulation over the timber studs as well as between them?
Rose said:
Has anyone had any dealings with Century Timber Frame homes and if so how did they find the finished product. Anyone send them their own house plans for a quotation and did it take a long time to get a quotation? Anyone any recommendations for other suppliers

Rose, built a large house last year and got quotes from several (inc. Century who were on the more expensive end). Ended up using Keenan Timber Frame (KTF) and can recommend them. In fact using them again right now......

I purchased a timber frame house last year myself, after living in a concrete house for a few years..

The only draw back I find is the lack of a solid adjoining wall between houses which concerns me in the event of a fire. Also noise is an issue, in that you can watch TV without any volume if next door are watching the same channel. However some concrete houses I've visited have the same advantage!

On a positive note the timber house is warm as toast in a few minutes, unlike a concrete built house. Also they are much quicker to construct, but I don't note any developer reducing prices to the consumer.

I found the two full page adverts in The Sunday Business post on Dec 11th very contradictory - about time some Govt Dept made an accurate statement on the advantages/disadvatages on both types of construction.
The biggest problem with Timber Frame is that many are not airtight.
This makes the house lose heat more quickly.
The biggest problem with the block built house is Thermal looping.
This cuts the benefit of the insulation by half so the house loses a lot more heat through the walls.
Sounds like the biggest problem with both types of house is builders who don't know/understand what they are doing... :)
Has anybody built a house using SIPs? If so what was your experience of the build process/living in the finished house? Thanks.