Tiling over tiles

That is the approach favoured by the professionals so long as the existing tiles are sound and not in danger of falling off, level, etc.

The amount of work involved in removing old tiles and smoothing off the walls is considerable. If it's a small room though, consider the impact of losing a little extra space due to the extra layer of tiles and adhesive.
yep it can be done, but if it was me and its in my own home I'd never do it as it just smacks of laziness and is definitely a shortcut. But maybe that's just cos my view of it is tainted after an experience when working on someone's kitchen I had to remove five layers of tiles....yep five!

Getting tiles off is no problem with the right tools - a bolster chisel with lump hammer, though admittedly patching up the wall in perparation for the new tiles can be a bit time consuming, but for me its a must.