Tile floor before or after fitting Kitchen?


Registered User
I got my kitchen measured last week and the guy said that the fitters prefer that the floor be tiled before the kitchen is fitted. I was going to do it after. If the kitcken is fitted on the tiles it would make it difficult to remove the tiles if I ever want to change them in the future.
Anyone have any thoughts?
Much better to tile before fitting kitchen as this will seal the screed underneath the tiles from any leakages your sink/appliances expel.
Deffinitely better to do it beforehand. This will result in a much neater job as well with fewer cuts to work around the cabinet bases. Tiling under where the aplliances go also make it much easier to take them out again for servicing, replacement, etc... Of course it make your tiler's job a lot easier.
as someone who worked in a furniture company for a few years and worked with fitters i'd say afterwards.
I do see good points in doing it first
HappyBudda said:
... seal the screed underneath the tiles from any leakages your sink/appliances expel.
Leo said:
...much neater job as well with fewer cuts to work around the cabinet bases. Tiling under where the aplliances go also make it much easier to take them out again for servicing, replacement, etc... Of course it make your tiler's job a lot easier.
I will be doing the tiling so dont mind if its a bit tricky and have to take my time. I'll pay myself by the hour:D.
Ron Burgundy said:
as someone who worked in a furniture company for a few years and worked with fitters i'd say afterwards.
Thanks for the reply Ron, but what is your reason?
In the process of building and would also be interested in what the reason is Ron
the final finish for grouting in front of tail board, it leaves a nicer neater finish and if units have to be secured to the ground ( sometimes ) its cleaner and easier not to have to drill throught tiles, also heavy tools, fall on tile, damage, replace.........

most tiles are fitted up to the front of the kitchen units and not underneath, therefore the neater grouted finish in front of them and saving money on less place to tile.

i'm only going on what i saw in various houses while workig with fitters.
Sometimes I like/need to remove the kickboards in front of my units for cleaning purposes etc. If the tiles are finished up to the kickboards this would be impossible to do. Also, provided the units are flush with the walls the finish would look good but if they are not flush there might be irregular cutting of tiles which would not be seen when finished off under the units, but the appearance wouldn't be too neat if the cuttings finish in front of the kick boards etc. Just an observation :(
If you want to save money you can tile just under where the units are going and level the rest with cement ,Thus you will still have a level surface and you will be able to change tiles in future,and you wont be buying tiles that will never be seen.