Throwing Stones from Bridges


Registered User
I was on the new Cullhill-Cashel bypass recently and was subjected to some young lad throwing stones from a bridge. I'm not sure what bridge it was as I think there is nearly 20 bridges on that route.

It was at night and dark, I got out my car a looked back but he was gone, I did hear another car being hit as well.

Has anyone else come across this?

The event did considerable paint work damage to my car, I only discovered this when I washed it at the weekend.
I've heard of it happening before in various parts of the country. Don't think theres much you can do other than report it to the Gardai, it may well be a regular occurance but I'm not sure how they would catch the guy.
This post will be deleted if not edited immediately, if I EVER caught anyone doing something to my car I would ahte to be that person...
I've a friend who was sitting on a bus 1 night half asleep when a concrete block smashed through the window grazed his head and landed on the seat beside him.

That woke him up for a good while afterwards.
A guy died in Belfast a few years back after a breeze block was dropped off a bridge over the Westlink.

And I think another fella was left critical in the last 2 years for the same thing - the brick hit him in the face and his family released a picture of him in hospital - it was frightening to see the damage.

I think anyone caught at this should be done for attempted murder/murder.

Problem is, they are usually youngsters.
This has been going on for years. I remember being on a train pulling out of Heuston at least 15 to 20 years ago when it was stoned by kids. Some of the windows were smashed in the carriage I was in, including my window.
There was a train driver killed in the UK when I lived there when kids threw a breeze block off a bridge overhead.

Awful stuff.
I've been on trains in the UK, Canada and here which were stoned, happened me a couple of times on my way up to Belfast

There was also a guy nearly killed a few months back on the Carlow bypass when a concrete block was thrown from a bridge. Don't understand what kicks kids get out of this I have to say.
A concrete block....This post will be deleted if not edited immediately.

I was on the same road last night and thought that numbering the bridges would be a good idea as you haven't a clue where you are sometimes....there's meant nearly 20 bridges on the route!!
Myself and Mrs Firefly were driving out of Dublin one night..when we went under the Stillorgan Flyover at UCD we got a splattering of liquid on our windscreen...looking back through my rear-view mirror I see 2 students p1ssing down from the fly-over! Have to say I had to chuckle and was glad I wasn't driving a convertable!
I think I have the guy, the bridge over the motorway that is happened on leads to a private residence. Only prob is my word against his.
Report it to the Guards and as long as you are willing to backup your statement in court they should proceed - it's a very dangerous practice and a few examples would be great - I am on a motorbike and have heard stories of lads being pelted while on their motorbikes. One guy got a snowball with stone inside it straight through his visor during the past icy weather. wrote off his bike and ended in hospital for a few days.