Three months in the USA?

Start in New York -> Dallas -> Mexico -> LA -> San Franciso -> Las Vegas -> Grand Canyon -> Alaska
maybe you could drive some of route66 along the way there somewhere. Not too sure my geography is correct there but you get the picture.
Boston is a lovely friendly, easy to get around city. I felt right at home there after a week. From there you can explore New England-Maine/Vermont, Cape Cod etc
I'd rent a motorbike and go coast to coast at a nice leisurely pace, avoiding the interstate highways, of course.

Route 66 goes from Chicago to LA by the way.
extopia said:
I'd rent a motorbike and go coast to coast at a nice leisurely pace, avoiding the interstate highways, of course.

Route 66 goes from Chicago to LA by the way.
I thought of doing something similar by car until I read one of Bill Bryson's books which showed smalltown USA to be exceedingly dull.
There are so many places I'd like to go to in the USA- I'd love to go back to New York and combine it with a trip to Boston/ New England and that coastline. But equally I'd love to go back to San Francisco and travel down along that coastline to San Diego- stopping along the way. I'd have to include a side trip to Yosemite/ Las Vegas. Or a trip to a dude ranch in Montana/ Colorado and horse trekking in Cowboy country. I'd love to see Yellowstone National Park. And I'd love to go north to Canada- Quebec/ wilderness hiking etc. I envy you!
I did exactly what you are thinking of doing last year.

We bought a car in LA and did a loop like this
LA-San Fran-Tahoe-Vegas-Grand Canyon-Santa Fe-Colorado-Utah-Montana-
Calgary-Vancouver-Seattle and down west coast back to LA

That was 15000 miles all in (thats what the clock reg'd)

Be very careful about thinking you can drive from east coast to alaska. You can but you had better enjoy driving!

For $50 you can get a parks pass, which allows access to all the national parks. Its definitely worth the money, if you are into that sort of thing. 3 months is not that long to travel around the states. we had great plans to drive all over the place but you just cant do it, its massive.

My one definitive thing to do would be to drive down highway 1 from washington state to san fran taking in the redwoods on the way.

Enjoy yourself!
So many options! Thanks everyone for your replies I have plenty of ideas now. Everyone talks about Seattle what is it about it makes it so great? Boston is a definite and back to SF I wsa there this year its a beautiful place and so relaxed! BTW I will be doing the states by train rather than car so I guess that speeds u0p the getting around a little bit. NY is also a definite and I would like to go to CHicago as have friends there. People warn me off LA though in general people tell me its a bit dangerous
Did the whole Boston/Vermont/Maine/New Hampshire and Canada.
It was in the fall when we did New England and it was amazing, the colours......
It was brillant , drove down to NY for a few days also.

Lucky you!!