Three level garden


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We have a garden which is on three levels as follows:

Level 1 - in grass and roughly 50% of the garden. Hedges at end separate this from level 2.

Level 2 - in patio. Holds garden shed. 25%

Level 3 - unused. 25%

There is a 4 ft drop between level 1 & 2, and 2 & 3. The entire garden overlooks our neighbour behind. Level 1 garden is at same level as 1st floor of their house.

We are trying to come up with options for making the best use of the entire garden. Decking on level 2/3 could be an option but it would be over our back neighbour's 6ft wall if we carried it all the way down from level 1.

Would anyone have experience with dealing with a garden like this? Right now, we only utilise half of the garden. Also, if we were ever selling the house, we would like to have the biggest possible garden to maximise its value.

All advice gratefully received. Also, if you ever came across photos on the web with good options, could you run them by me.

Thanks for your help.

I live in an area where slopes raise similar issues. The people next door have sectioned theirs in a simlar way to the one you describe (although the drops are not as steep) and for me anyway, three levels look cluttered.

Decking the front third closest to the house would be an idea, with steps down to the level beneath. Another neighbour did something similar and landscaped the area beneath to create a single level. It was a fairly labour intensive job but then it only needs to be done once.
Thanks Magoo for the reply. Not sure where the grass would be for the kids to play on in your suggestion...........

Surely a lower level (comprising two thirds of your garden) would have ample room for running kids??????????

The point is that you could level the two thirds that are furthest from your own house and, in doing so, lower it to a level that didn't unreasonably overlook your neighbour behind.
What way does the garden face? Apart from the view is the patio is a good spot when you want to use it, e.g. sit out in the evening sun? Are there steps from one level to the next? Is there any planting at the boundaries?
I'm studying garden design and I'd be happy to have a go coming up with a solution for you. For example something that might help would be planting a boundary of light decidious trees at the bottom of the garden this would give you privacy without casting too much shade on you or your neighbour.
It sounds like an interesting plot if it's handled well.