Threatening Neighbours - Local Authority Area


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Hi, I have been living in Dublin city centre for the past 2 years in an area thats surrounded by Local Authority flats. I am having trouble with the teenage children in the area, they loiter outside the building, throw litter, generate lots of noise, spray graffiti and are abusive to people on the street. They are vicious and I feel threatened by them and have called the Gardai on two occasions. The Gardai said that there isnt anyhing they can do - any suggestions?
Perhaps you should contact the local commun ity gardai? They tend to be more useful for this sort of stuff than the regular gardai. There will be a named garda assigned to your area.
Thank you both. I bought the apartment 2 years ago and so moving isn't an option. Do you think there is any point in contacting Dublin City Council and have them speak to the parents as landlord?
You could try that, but to be honest, the Community Gardai usually know the local kids/teenagers/know what schools they go to etc, and might be a more productive avenue.
Maybe Dublin City Council might get involved, but I wouldn't be holding my breath.
It's a tough one though, and I feel your pain,as I get similar anti-social behaviour near my apartment.
Of late, I've resorted to roaring at the teenagers!(for throwing stones at our local swans most recently!!).
I wouldn't do that if they were in any way threatening though!! Makes me feel a bit fish-wivey, but it has been surprisingly effective on occasion!
Thanks very much Nicola - you've been really nice to reply. I will see how things transpire, Im hoping that they will just stop now that they've encountered the Gardai. It's just aggravating that these layabouts are such a bane on society and people like us are the ones the Gardai pursue for trivial matters such as driving down a 'bus & taxi only' street etc

Am I just imagining the existence of the public order offences legislation...........

I always find sweeping statements like this a little annoying. There seems to be an impression that the Gardaí preferentially chase offences that the person making the statement deems trivial. It is just not true. And it is unfair to think that a law you want to break is trivial compared to a law someone else wants to break. Dangerous or reckless driving, or breaking the law on the road can result in death. These laws aren't trivial no matter how inconvenient people find them. Vandalism rarely does that. It is a cancer on a street alright and makes for a very unpleasant neighbourhood but to castigate the Gardaí for not responding in a way you want them to respond by stating that they would rather chase you for road traffic offences is flawed and wrong.

A little harsh, the ladys flustrated about those little scum bags recking her area and her piece of mind. In saying that I aggree with you.
theres nothing you can do,either move or learn to ignore it,its been going on for so long now its the norm,the parents of these kids were doing the same in the eighties and their parents in the sixties,and yes if i think back i probably was a little gurrier myself,it will either drive you mad or you will learn to live with it,its a safe bet its not tolerated in Foxrock,plenty of Garda patrols there.