Thorntons price increase for 2024 - Greyhound charges

Up Rovers

Registered User
Hi All,

Have received notification that Thorntons will be increasing their charges by €2.00 per month from January 2024 bringing their annual charge to €275.88 on their Eco band. Their weight allowance is €0.28 per kg over 40 kg per month. They are currently charging €251.88.

Greyhound annual fee would appear to be €234 on their Standard most popular plan and their weight allowance is higher at 42kg but can't see what their charges for overweight are on their website.

That would mean a difference of €41.88 between Thorntons and Greyhound but as Thorntons provide the green bags for the messy brown bin I might well stay with them. Having checked around before those bags can be hard to find in good quality and are expensive.

As Thorntons are quoting the following as part of the increase just wondering if anyone has heard if the other companies will do likewise?

"The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications has signed the Circular Economy (Waste Recovery Levy) Regulations 2023 and the Waste Management (Landfill Levy) Regulations 2023 into effect.

This legislation introduces a waste levy on all waste material sent for recovery. The objective of the recovery levies is to help Ireland meet its EU 2025 target of 55% recycling of all municipal waste.
These increases will take effect from 1st January 2024.

Any price adjustments have been kept to a minimum and we will continue to provide the most competitive waste management service in the market."
Do Panda service your area ? Their Essential plan is €17.50 monthly so €210 annually with a 42 kg monthly black bin allowance and 28 cent per kilo for excess. Green & Brown are unlimited. Panda is also giving the first month free at the moment if you switch.

Greyhounds' excess charge is 30 cent.
Whatever about price, i have found greyhound's service and customer service to be abysmal. I switched about three years ago to Thorntons and there's a world of difference. they are a pleasure to deal with.

I have experience of Panda with a commercial account, and it's not good.

Check out Thornton's Eco Band Lite, where you get a 25kg monthly allowance before extra charges. It's €210 for the year now, but will increase by 17.88 in January. If you don't produce a huge amount of general waste, this should be sufficient.
I emailed Thornton’s today and asked what the new charges are for Eco Band Lite from January’24 and it is going up from 17.50 to 18.99 bringing it to €227.88 for the year. That’s a bit of an increase . Have to start shopping around.
Have to start shopping around.

These increases will take effect from 1st January 2024.

This is the point that I was making above as to whether the other companies will increase their prices in the new year.

I thought it was hilarious when Thorntons told me that I could have €10 off the annual charge if I paid for the full year up-front so in shopping around don't commit to anything for a full year as prices may well change soon enough.