Thomas Court - is it safe



Hi all, I'm looking at moving int a rental property at the end of Thomas Court off Thomas st D8. It an end of terrace red brick house with a bit of a yard in the front so its not directly on the road. But it is an end of terrace and its at the very end of thomas court just before the flats. Is it a safe area to live? or is too risky.

It is as safe/risky as most other places.

I do a lot of work in and around Thomas/Francis St area - arriving leaving at all hours and I have never seen any trouble at all.
For an area with a supoosed bad reputation, I have never seen any trouble.
Yes, im familiar enough with it myself as I also work on Francis street, but it's almost like every laneway is different. I think it wouldnt be so bad if the house wasnt at the very end near the flats or maybe im just used to being behind secure doors of an apartment block that I'm just nervous. thanks for the info though.
I work right beside Thomas Court, and the residents Ive seen appear very nice (settled or arty) but you couldn't pay me to live there. I hate the area once its dark, though have only ever had issues with kids, throwing stones spraying bottles of coke etc, harmless enough, but can make you have a bad day. Our offices repeatedly had windows broken
And the park/graveyard is full of junkies and alcoholics normally.
And Catherines lane is a human sewer.
I suppose its personal, but rented in Cabra for years and would prefer it any day.