This years Eurovision


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I know, I know. Pathetic, i sat in and watched it. But man alive, i've never seen the voting as bad as this time. It really was a shocking display of political voting. The UK song was actually pretty good and it came joint last. The French song was quite catchy too but failed to get into the top ten i think. Of course, music is all subjective and what i like, you wont like but for goodness sake, this was a disaster. Even poor Terry reckons the "western" countries will start to opt out of it. Did you hear the spanish song? titter....
I second that!

I was made to watch it by my brother (that's my story and I'm sticking to it) and it was the most ridiculous charade ever. Croatia's entry was also over-looked and it was class (well, "class" for Eurovision).

Terry Wogan also said that it's not a music competition any more and he's right. It was always a bit of a laugh when people voted for the tunes, but now they're all just sucking up to their neighbours. Bit childish, no?
I watched it and I have no excuse. I may be wrong but I think we gave our 8/10/12 points to UK, Latvia and Poland.
I watched it and I have no excuse. I may be wrong but I think we gave our 8/10/12 points to UK, Latvia and Poland.

and i think "we" (irish voters) gave 8 points to the UK, our Latvian friends gave 10 points to themselves and our massive Polish community voted for themselves too.. very obvious so it was.

We should forget about the whole show altogether, its a total waste of money if we cant even send a decent act over anymore as that doesnt work. Better off giving them money to charities or spend it on proper Irish talent shows.
I agree RonanC, I think we should pull out of it altogether. I used to love watching the Eurovision as a child when it was a proper competition and good songs won, but its just a joke now. Better off letting it be the Eastern Europe Song Contest and let them all bankrupt themselves hosting it if thats what they want.
There is absolutely no point in carrying on with the charde. Agree that as a child, I loved it and could sing every Irish entry from the early 70's right through to the early 80's(when I grew too trendy for Eurovision!)

Andy Abraham for Britain had a really good song and the fact that he came paddy last just shows there is really no point!
Right. I will stand up and be counted. I DID NOT watch the Eurovision this year, as I suspected it would be another love-in between neighbours, and ex-pat nationals in one country voting for their home countries (eg Poles in Ireland voting for Poland).

Its not a song contest any more. I think we should not waste any more money on that charade and pull out of it.

Worse still, RTE spent 200,000 Euro of license payers money promoting Dustins entry.

As Gran from the 'Catherine Tate' show would say ... "Wot a f***kin' liberty !!"
It's all a pretty good indicator of the state of the EU experiment these days. Bloated, corrupted, and becoming more ridiculous every year.

Dustin might not be the only turkey we send to Brussels this year...