This week they said...


From the Breaking News section, about an hour ago. My emphases and italicised insertions. Are these schmucks so blinded by their own electoral hype that they honestly expect rubbishy populist soundbites like this to enhance their credibility?

Don't get me wrong; personally, I'd love to see the current administration removed from power at the next election — but Lord help us, this crowd seem to have about as much chance of doing it as the England team of putting us back in the running for a Six Nations win...
Meaningless populist rubbish. Typical of the level of what passes for political debate these days here and probably abroad. I'm sure that the incumbent parties will come up with their own gems of wisdom in response...

I particularly like the one about rate increases "insidiously" increasing costs for mortgage holders. Does the GP finance spokesman actually understand credit and interest rates?
The opposition seem to think that they can win the next election by doing everything they can to show that they are even bigger clowns than the government. They are making Bertie look prudent and that's no mean feat! Their mantra seems to be to be as populist as possible. FG is slipping into the same “compensate the Eircom shareholders” trap that Michael Noonan ran with at the last election.
Labour Seanad Finance Spokesperson Derek McDowell accused the ECB of wanting to "squeeze the life" out of the European economy and Irish mortgage holders.
The people who took out these mortgages should not have been so gullible in taking out large mortgages when interest rates were at historic lows.

I hope they don't start blaming the ECB now that over the next year or two we will be in a time of rising interest rates which are now needed to control inflation.
Labour Finance spokeswoman Joan Burton called on the ECB to explain why it has opted for seven successive rate hikes.

Would she rather they did the seven (175 basis points) in one go?

Does she read the ECB press releases?

Did she watch Mr. Trichet's press conferences that follow rate decisions?

She was Minister for Finance?
Joan Burton's statement on her website:
[broken link removed]

Opportunity to leave a comment at the end
If the ECB is so uncaring then these politicians should make the case for an Irish exit from the EU and a restoration of the punt. Then a fully independent Irish central bank would show those European types what the correct interest rate in Ireland should be - somewhere north of 7% I would imagine given where inflation is now.
personally, I'd love to see the current administration removed from power at the next election

The Irish electorate are so fickle you can be sure the current government will return to power !(well, maybe minus the PDs!)
Would she rather they did the seven (175 basis points) in one go?

Does she read the ECB press releases?

Did she watch Mr. Trichet's press conferences that follow rate decisions?

She was Minister for Finance?
I'd say Trichet's running for cover at the minute, probably got his full department working on an adequate response for Ms. Burton's probing demand
I did - a long rant at that - funny that it hasn't shown up on the site?
I posted a note suggesting that Ms. Burton read the ICB website if she needed an explanation of the rate hikes to date but it must've been deemed too controversial or something...
That she read the ICB website? Yes, controversial, i.e. that an organisation owed by Irish lenders somehow dictates ECB policy!!!!
I obviously meant ECB and ICB was a typo (here and not in my post on her blog).