This is not Twitter..Use of the @ "at sign" when addressing people .


Registered User
Maybe I'm getting grumpy in my (too old for twitter)-age, but I find it really irritating the number of posters who have started putting @ in front of other posters names when replying. If you start a sentence with 'orka, I don't agree with you', I'll understand it's for me - no need for '@orka...' What does the @ add to anything outside of twitter?

This was around long before Twitter
It's used by posters who don't quote the poster they are addressing

It's not some Twitter convention, was around a long time before that
Twitter is a bit of a 'clever-boys' club, that uses its own codes and conventions, that are quite meaningless to the real world.
When is this madness of tweeting or should I say twit -ering going to stop. Last night I saw Vinnie the fox (Brown) anxiously asking some young chap with a laptop what was the latest he had about the show .

People who twitter or twit will get so far ahead of themselves that they will leave themselves behind
The use of the @-sign when addressing some one certainly predates twitter.

I remember asking a poster here a few years ago (2007) about its usage but I can remember any reply.
Use of the @ "at sign" when addressing people on message boards

The @-sign doesnt count for a google search so its historical usage is difficulte to track.

from wiki
