So you think tax cuts on income should have been higher?
I think there should be an incentive to work for anyone who has been on welfare for more than 9 months - especially in times of high employment. We should not be rewarding people who can work, not to work. We can discuss the merits of increasing the pension, disability benefit or Job Seekers Benefit (I think this is the one you get after you become redundant initially for 6-9 months depending on stamps paid). I do not believe Job Seekers Allowance should be increased at this time. Most of the people on this should have retrained over the last number of years - its time to put these skills to use.
If they cannot find a job, then there needs to be a return to a community job scheme (similar to FAS or the old student summer job scheme) where the skills they have learned can be put to good use. If nothing else these sort of schemes get people into the working mindset, out of the house, interacting with others etc etc - all of which are very valuable to someones mental well-being.
It is simply not good enough that those on Jobseekers Allowance continue to get "money for nothing". The whole social welfare policy needs to change to clearly be a safety net to support people if they lose their jobs to retrain and rejoin the workplace, not offer a long term lifestyle choice.
I don't care if its only a minority who abuse the system, it sends out a very bad message to everyone who "gets up early in the morning" to go to work. Look at the general social media coverage of the budget and the same question is being asked over and over again - why are those on welfare coming out better from the budget than someone on the average industrial wage? This budget may have back-fired on FG dramatically, if an election is called any time soon !
Personally I would prefer tax incentives for employers to take people off Jobseekers Allowance. This could include 0% Employer PRSI for 12-24 months for example, as well as additional on-going training paid for by the state. Ultimately it is difficult to break the unemployment cycle, but it needs to be broken during high employment times - not during high unemployment times.