thinking of getting a top up


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on our morgage ,we owe €70,000 our house is valued at €350,000 we have 15yrs and my hubby are both self employed seperatley,
we are havng abit of a cash flow prob in our buisness,will we find it hard to get a morgage as we are self employed and only scraping by ,i would use the money topay off personal debt and to use as cash flow in my buisness,am i mad
How much are you looking for?
What is your household income and outgoings right now?
What debts do you have?
Do you have any savings/investments?
€40 - €50000 to top up
outgoings €2500 (hope to make smaller)
ingoings €4500
no savings
Normally increasing your mortgage to pay short term loans is not advisable as you are eroding part of your equity that you have built in your home. However as you are experiencing some difficulty it would be wise to sit down with a mortgage advisor and discuss the merits of releasing equity.
You should be very careful - you are exchanging unsecured debt for secured debt on your house. You will be paying for this for years to come. Is there any way you can tighten the belt and pay down your personal debt? Surveys show that most people who consolidate debt in this way go on to run up the personal debt again, so it's better not to go down that road.