Thinking of changing car and downsizing


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I have a 2.0 litre diesel SUV, 2 years old and I'm thinking of changing to something much smaller 1.2 litre diesel polo. I find the SUV great, but quite heavy on diesl and too big for around the city.

My question is, am I mad to change car every two years - roughly 30km per year?

Also, given that diesel cars are supposed to be so efficient - will there be much difference in fuel efficiency between my 2.0 litre diesel SUV and a 1.2 litre diesl polo.

Finally, re. safety for my two school going kids, am I better sticking with a SUV, though I know polo has the same child occupant NCAP rating as my SUV.

I have a 2.0 litre diesel SUV, 2 years old and I'm thinking of changing to something much smaller 1.2 litre diesel polo. I find the SUV great, but quite heavy on diesl and too big for around the city.

Instead of going cold turkey, why not try something like a 1.6 litre VW Golf or Ford Focus instead?

My question is, am I mad to change car every two years - roughly 30km per year?

They say 3 years is the optimum time to change car in terms of value for money.

Also, given that diesel cars are supposed to be so efficient - will there be much difference in fuel efficiency between my 2.0 litre diesel SUV and a 1.2 litre diesl polo.

Difficult to answer when we don't know what type of SUV you are currently driving.

Finally, re. safety for my two school going kids, am I better sticking with a SUV, though I know polo has the same child occupant NCAP rating as my SUV.

Careful driving, slower speeds, no drinking and driving, airbags and seatbelts will keep your children safety than just having an SUV. I don't get this obsession we have with SUV's being safer for children.
They say 3 years is the optimum time to change car in terms of value for money.

I would have assumed that the best strategy would be to buy a car that was 3+ years old and hold onto it as long as you can. The odds of any costly mechanical issues within the first 10 years are probably low on the better Japanese makes, whilst the depreciation from years 4-6, for example, is probably about half that of years 1-3