Things that drive you nuts!!

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And Truthseeker, while your consideration for others is admirable, I don't see how it is necessary to wear headphones if you want to listen to music.

Well I live in an apartment block and I am aware how how the music and sounds from the apartments around me affect me. So just out of consideration I wear the headphones.

Ive also moved the tv away from the wall and the computer speakers away from the vent - over time its become apparent that such small things stop the sound vibrating through the cavity blocks and affecting the people around me.

I have no problem with lawnmowers and strimmers. People have to cut the grass and keep the garden tidy. I also wouldn't have a problem with someone playing music at a low volume. What I and others are talking about is people playing music at an unnecessarily high volume with every window in the house open so that it can be heard a couple of roads away. That is not just the normal noise that goes with suburban living. That is people being selfish and exercising no consideration for their neighbours. There is no reason why they can't keep the volume down if they want the windows open, or close the windows if they want the volume up. Why would you define that as people who have 'a problem with nearly every aspect of interaction with others'?? It is the people who can't exercise a modicum of consideration and assume that anyone who complains about noise is just a 'moaner' or the 'noise police' who make living on an estate difficult for others. Not the people like Truthseeker who manage to find a compromise that mean one person can enjoy themselves without annoying everyone else. I often listen to music in my apartment but I don't find it necessary to have it blasting out with every window and the balcony door wide open. If I want to sit out on my balcony I keep the music down or turn it off.
Honestly, if he was seriously ill, how could have managed to keep a vigilant watch out for doctors?

Why should he have to? Surely, it is they who should be keeping a vigilant watch out for him...

How could he distinguish between doctors, nurses, radiographers, given that they all wear scrubs?

And isn't that convenient?

Maybe the doctors were all working with patients in cubicles instead of roaming corridors.

Maybe they were, maybe they weren't. Didn't help the patient much though.

Should the patient try ringing the HSE during a 7 hour wait in the early hours of the morning to enquire about such service levels, or should the wait until after they are eventually seen and are trying to recover?

All of this raises a broader question though...when someone is admitted to A&E who exactly is responsible for arranging the patient to be seen by the appropriate medical person? This person should be available to the patient at all times and provide updates. A relationship manager if you will.
Truthseeker, was it Monday the 9th July? That was the change over day for junior doctors this year and I would rather take my chances on the side of the road then go to A&E on the July change over day.

It was, and someone else told me the same thing too. Thanks for your nice post.
Switching mobile providers! Spent my whole lunch break in a shop trying to do this today (with all the required paperwork). You'd think it would be easy!
Hearing about stuff in work that directly affects me from some random passer by in the canteen or corridor rather than from my own manager.

That line was about the thread in general, which is why I refered to the entire thread.

I would just presume that we all have different levels of tolerance and what more can be said really.
True, but there are certain things that are generally agreed to be inconsiderate and I would have thought playing music so loud that it can be heard all over your road and beyond would be one of those.
Yet you seemed to think it was unreasonable to object to that.
I would just presume that we all have different levels of tolerance and what more can be said really.

Some people are deafer than others. I can tell if my hubby has been watching telly while Im out just by checking what volume its at - he likes it at a volume I find uncomfortable.

I tried to stay out of this thread tbh, but I reacted to the way you and gianni responded to Ceist Bag, I felt it was ott and unnecessary.

I wouldn't agree with music being played at levels that meant that it could be heard by all and sundry, but sound will travel on a quiet sunny sunday, so I would allow for that.
Some people are deafer than others. I can tell if my hubby has been watching telly while Im out just by checking what volume its at - he likes it at a volume I find uncomfortable.

Maybe he should be using the headphones then!

Well, starting a post with 'Get over yourse'f' or 'Gawd, out with the fun police' is hardly going to elicit a measured response, particularly as he admitted later that he'd misunderstood what I meant in my first post.
Well, starting a post with 'Get over yourse'f' or 'Gawd, out with the fun police' is hardly going to elicit a measured response, particularly as he admitted later that he'd misunderstood what I meant in my first post.
Erm, the 'Get over yourself' was in response to the 'I assume that other people are also 'thanking God' that you no longer live in your former estate, with that attitude.' comment liaconn so at least admit that you were the one to start personalising things! And I later admitted that your first post was vague and unclear - and once you clarified was easier to understand! Anyways, enough, the sun is shining today!!

Which was in response to your 'Gawd out with the Fun Police' comment to a poster agreeing with my first post so no, I won't admit that I was the one to start personalising. And other posters had no problem getting my first post so I don't think it was vague and unclear.

Anyway, this could go on and on....
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